What do we have for you?
*Kateri from Dandelion Haven is giving away seed packs of 4 varieties of Heirloom Tomatoes
*Gretchen from GretchenLouise.com is doing a 24 hour giveaway for a Copy of Christin Slade’s new e-book, “Blog at Home Mom” , which releases today! As well as some other book goodies!
*Shannon from ArrangedbyGod.com is giving away a $25 gift card to Amazon.com.
*Ginger from GingerTruitt.com is giving away a Delectable Box of Chocolates.
Lots of fun things to brighten not only your February, but your Valentine’s Day too!
So, there you have it. Be sure to hop on over to everyone’s blog, real fast, because it ends at 11:59pm on February 6th {EST}!
On to my giveaway!
A while ago I posted about this wonderful tutorial that I had found to make necklaces from clear glass tiles and pictures {I’m not a jewelry person, but the one I made myself I love and wear it whenever I can}. Well, here’s your chance to get your hands on one without having to do anything…well, at least not anything too involved.
I’m going to be giving away one of these necklaces, the one up in the picture: It’s a Pink Asiatic Lily on a black cord/ribbon, with clasp.
Here’s how to enter:
The giveaway is now closed. Winner will be announced soon.
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