Friday, January 18

My Favorite Books

A friend of mine, Mandy from Daily Cup of Grace, is doing a link up of Favorite Books. Be sure to check it out :-)

I can’t even say what my “favorite” genre of book is, because I don’t really have one. Now, don’t get me wrong…I certainly have favorite books and authors. In 2010 I spent much of the year re-reading many of my favorite books. Then I became a more “serious and responsible” reader, focusing more on non-fiction, theology and parenting books. Read More BooksGiven the choice between the two, I’d really rather read fiction: Maybe that’s why my completed reads per year dropped so much. I know. I know.

What exactly is my favorite book then? I honestly couldn’t say. Fortunately for me, most of my favorite {fiction} books are part of a larger series, which just spreads the yummy-goodness around a bit more.

BUT….if I had to choose, I’d have to say that “Anne of Green Gables” is my favorite young-adult fiction book series {even more so than Little House on the Prairie…which I absolutely love!} and my favorite adult-fiction book series is, without a doubt, “Outlander” by Diana Gabaldon.

As for my favorite non-fiction, I must admit, I really don’t have one. Now don’t get me wrong, there have certainly been books that I have read that I’ve found to be very good, very helpful, and insightful, but none that I can say, “If I was stranded on a desert island…”. My mind just doesn’t work that way; it loves the “escapism” of fiction.

I suppose though, the book that has stuck with me would have to be {and yes, I sat here for a very long time thinking of what this book could be, even had to look on my shelves and dig about the blog}…..I could be a good Christian girl and say the bible, which would be true, but kind of a cop-out answer. *still thinking*

I guess it would have to be “When You Rise Up: A Covenantal Approach to Homeschooling” by RC Sproul JR, even if only because I know I will go back to read it again once we’re at that point of making a decision about homeschooling. See…I told you I wasn’t a big fan of non-fiction. For me it has its purpose, but that’s about it. Bits and pieces of them stick with me, which is why I have to read them with sticky tabs and highlighters.

However, I do love reading poetry and plays…my favorites would have to be Seamus Heaney and George Bernard Shaw: Those Irish certainly have a way with words.

So there. You’ve now discovered that I really don’t like to be a deep intellectual non-fiction reader, I’d rather play with dragons, dwarves, hobbits, and hot tempered red heads. But occasionally I do force myself to be a grown-up.

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