Friday, July 27

A Girl and A Horse

I love horses. I’ve always loved horses. My dream of having my own horse is probably not going to die-out any time soon.

I think this equine-love is hereditary; my mom loves horses and now my daughter loves horses.

During the summer I can sit on my back deck and not only hear horses, but I can see them…galloping around their paddock, playing until their hearts content. I am blessed. Our neighbors have horses, during the winter they’re stabled elsewhere, but for a few brief months in summer we get to enjoy them.

The other night Avelyn was given the privilege of getting to ride one of the horses: One of the perks of being friends with the owners. Ave has only ever ridden one of the little ponies at the fair. She was in awe of this creature, vastly taller than her.

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She strapped on her helmet, bustled up her dress and swung into the saddle, riding off into the sunset.
Down the cow path to the field and back. A different little girl got off that horse. One who will forever be smitten.

No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle.  ~Winston Churchill

scan0243Just like her Mama.

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