Tuesday, May 15

The Day on Which All Things End Up Blah!

Growing up I really did not like Mother’s Day, not because I didn’t like my mom {Don’t get me wrong, my mom is the awesomest}, but because we usually ended up in some sort of  trouble. My dad wanted us to behave for my mom’s special day and we always seemed to get in more trouble that day than any other day of the year.

Then there were the years of infertility, which added another crap-tastic element to Mother’s Day; celebrating the one thing that I desperately wanted, but could not have.
In 2010 I celebrated MY first Mother’s Day, which was still sorely tainted {let’s be honest, it still is} by infertility.

Last year Mother’s Day was also my mom’s birthday. In addition to that we had a whole slew of lovely family drama going on.

This year Mother’s Day was the day we were in NH for our nephew’s baptism. We weren’t even home. Matt forgot a card and didn’t even remember it was Mother’s Day until I asked him what the day was. To me, it was one year since the IUI that gave us Henry, James and Ellie, but it jogged Matt’s memory just-enough to remember it was Mother’s Day too.

I won’t deny that it still “pinches” just a bit that I haven’t had a Mother’s Day in which I’ve received a card and/or present on the DAY. Life seems to get in the way and the best of intentions remain that, intentions.

I’m still waiting for it, that perfect “Hallmark” Mother’s Day. I think I may just be waiting forever on that one. I’d love to say that’s OK, but it would be nice, just once. Fortunately, Matt does a pretty fantastic job of letting me know all year that he appreciates me and all that I do.

But, when Ave hugs one of her siblings and says “________ you’re my best friend”, that pretty much makes up for anything :-)


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