Sunday, April 22

Four Months Old!

Four months old (2 1/2 months old, adjusted age), already. I don't like that, not one bit. Even my peanut is not really a peanut anymore.

Here's what's going on....

*Holding his head up
*Manages to sit up right relatively well if he's propped
*You can see the beginnings of his bottom right tooth, just under the gums
*Goes from asleep or happy to hysterics in 2.2 seconds flat
*Has a wonderful bald spot on the back of his head
*Doesn't like tummy time, unless he has his George {pacifier}, then he just goes to sleep
*Is usually laughing and smiling
*Weighing in at 14 lbs 13 ounces

*Holding his head up
*Manages to sit up right relatively well if he's propped
*You can see the beginnings of both bottom teeth, just under the gums
*This boy is ALWAYS happy, just changing his diaper sends him into a giggling fit
*Most of the time couldn't care less if he has his George
*By far the easiest and most mild mannered of all 4 kids
*Actually is liking tummy time and playing on the exercise mat
*Weighing in at 14 lbs 7 ounces

*Holding her head up
*Manages to sit up right relatively well if she's propped
*You can see the beginnings of her bottom right tooth, just under the gums
*Wants nothing more than to just be held and cuddled (maybe I have a snuggler!)
*She's always got a smile on her face, takes a bit to get her to laugh, but she's got the sweetest little laugh
*Has just started to like being on the exercise mat, but still isn't too keen on it
*Her head and eyes seem to be growing into themselves
 *Weighing in at 11lbs 13ounces
***Just a note - Avelyn was 14lbs 9.2 ounces at her 4 month well-baby visit.

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