Wednesday, December 7

Christmas, Christmas Time is Here...

I've definitely "simplified" my Christmas decor this year. In past years I have my entire Victorian village assembled, knick-knacks everywhere, and lots of other things. This year, we have our tree, our nativity, the stockings, my ceramic Christmas tree, and a few of my snowmen and other things. We did do our outside lights (Matt and I worked on them yesterday). It still looks like Christmas, but I definitely do miss a few of my decorations.

Our Christmas tree from the tree farm we always visit; My Nativity wall hanging; Our traditional ceramic Christmas tree (my Oma and Mom always had one of these).

My Fontanini Nativity, which was a wedding present from several friends...I love this Nativity, but I do need to get a few shepherds to take care of those animals! Someday I would love to have the Willow Tree Nativity, you know when I have a place that kids won't be able to climb to :-P And, last, but not least, Ave's Nativity, which she plays with constantly.

Our stockings are up (and no I never did finish the quilted ones that I started a while ago...maybe next year), as well as our Advent wreath. Fortunately everything that's out shouldn't take more than 15 minutes to put away (with the exception of the tree), which will be really nice when Christmas is over and my hands are full of babies etc.

How do you decorate your home? What are the traditions that you have to continue?


Life Happens said...

I love all your simple decorations. I need to get Matthew his own little nativity set he can play with since he broke one of the wise men's head last night!

Keep it simple and enjoy it all before those babies come :)

Just an FSO said...

My mom always had the ceramic tree, too!

I went in the opposite direction this year and did MORE than I usually do, and instead of doing an advent calendar, did an advent garland for Miss M AND one for my husband, with different little treats every day. It was a ton of work to put it together, but it's been fun to open every morning.

Jessica Heights said...

Very nice! I like the multiple nativities!

Anonymous said...

My hubby and I started a tradition of adding 1-3 tree ornaments every year that symbolize main events that happened in the past year: a cruise where he proposed, getting married, getting a new job, buying a house... This year I will make a pregnant woman figurine ;)

This way, each year we will be able to remember some of the things while unpacking and hanging the ornaments ;)
