We got to Albany early enough to have lunch, which I am very glad we did, because my doctor appointments took 3 hours....most of which were mass confusion and a waste of time. They had me scheduled for an NST, but that's virtually impossible on triplets (not to mention they didn't have the equipment in the office to do that). Then I had to go back in because they missed something on the U/S. What really happened was a decimal was put into a report wrong and the MFM thought that Baby A had not only stopped growing, but was losing weight.
The bottom line: My cervix is staying at 2cm or there about (couch rest is working), Baby A is approximately 4lbs 6 oz (no exact weight, because they had a really hard time measuring the head), Baby B is 4lbs 6oz, and Baby C is 4lbs 9oz...awesome weights! They're all measuring right on track for a singleton or a bit ahead. They're breathing and everything looks good.
I had one of my favorite doctors, Doctor J, for my internal today and she said she's on call Christmas week (have to find out when that is), that if I've had enough and want these babies out, just call her up and she'll do the c-section then, if it's the week between Christmas and New Years, I might just take her up on that on December 30th.
The bottom line: My cervix is staying at 2cm or there about (couch rest is working), Baby A is approximately 4lbs 6 oz (no exact weight, because they had a really hard time measuring the head), Baby B is 4lbs 6oz, and Baby C is 4lbs 9oz...awesome weights! They're all measuring right on track for a singleton or a bit ahead. They're breathing and everything looks good.
I had one of my favorite doctors, Doctor J, for my internal today and she said she's on call Christmas week (have to find out when that is), that if I've had enough and want these babies out, just call her up and she'll do the c-section then, if it's the week between Christmas and New Years, I might just take her up on that on December 30th.
The doctors, neither Dr. J or Dr. D (whom I also like) see any issues with delivering any time soon (obviously there would be NICU time), but they're beyond pleased with how the babies look and how I'm doing, and both seem to think that 36 weeks is still a viable goal (depending on how I'm feeling).
I do have to take my blood pressure every day as a precaution, just to monitor if I'm developing pre-eclampsia. I'm to continue resting and eating everything in sight, to pack the weight on these babies.
I do have to take my blood pressure every day as a precaution, just to monitor if I'm developing pre-eclampsia. I'm to continue resting and eating everything in sight, to pack the weight on these babies.

After my appointment we had some errands to run and returns, and my mother made me do this....I swear, I felt like such a fool. And I kept laughing hysterically the whole time (I admit it was cool though and much more comfortable).
I told my mom it was a good thing we were 2 hours from home so no one would see me. In koh.ls I was in a wheelchair and mom pushed me around, of course, there, we bumped into people we knew....I felt like such a dork.
Pretty much at this point, it's all up to me, and how my body holds up in the next few weeks. Unfortunately, we have nowhere near the help we thought we would have so I'm not able to rest as much as possible (more on that later). But I'm beyond ecstatic that I've made it this far and that the babies are all doing well: OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!
Wow, a 3 hr appt?!! So happy the babies are doing so well.
When I was pregnant, I wanted to get into one of those carts to do some shopping, but my husband said talked me out of it. I'm sure it's much easier than walking around the store, pushing a cart!
Happy Holidays to your family!
Yay!! Jess you're doing so amazing. I know you must be in pain but everyday you keep those babies in, is such a precious gift to them. Hang in there, keep them cooking for a few more weeks.
You are so cute riding that cart!!! Congrats on your remarkable body and babies. God is truly watching over you. I can't wait to meet your 3 little ones in just a few weeks!!! :)
@life happens: It should've never taken 3 hours...we're usually in and out in an hour and a half...it was really just a big mess.
@Sadie: I'm feeling ok physically: Not too many aches or pains. I actually hurt more from laying on the couch than anything else lol
@Bobbi: I'm rather impressed with what my body has done too...I told Matt the other night that I guess I'm never allowed to complain about it again :-P
Glad everything is continuing to go okay with you and the babies!
haha, awesome wheel-chair :)
glad to hear all four of you are doing so great!
Those weights are amazing, well done you!
You are doing well and are healthy if only because you feel silly in one of those carts and you don't feel it is not an optional extra.
Not too long now and you will meet them and your family goes from three to six.
Just imagine what it will be like next Christmas!
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