Sunday, December 4

Simplify the Season

There have been a couple of great blog posts going around {here, here, and here} about simplifying Christmas and the hustle and bustle that we all seem to get drowned in while creating all that Christmas cheer.

For obvious reasons I'm having to follow a rather low-key agenda for this holiday season: No crazy baking sessions, no climbing along the roof to hang the lights, and no trying to run all around accomplishing all the memory making. This year will be entirely different for me.

I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of sad about not getting all Christmas-crazy, but part of me is really looking forward to having less going on and more time to actually revel in the Christmas spirit and the meaning of Christmas.

For a while I've always wondered what it would be like to be pregnant at Christmas, to sit in church on Christmas Eve, in the silent and candle-lit sanctuary, singing "Silent Night"; feeling much as Mary must've that night long ago, at least physically. Who knows if I'll get to experience that this year or not. I'm praying that for Christmas we will all be home together (babies still tucked safely inside).

Of course, despite "simplifying" I have done some of our Christmas traditions, which I will be attempting to post about in the next few days.


Rachel said...

Thanks for checking out my blog Jess :), glad you enjoyed. I hope that your babies stay in and that you have a lovely holiday season of quiet before the chaos hits :)! Money saving mom is doing a series of posts on simplifying Christmas. With all of these good posts I hope to remember them next year and start earlier to avoid the crazy!

Amanda said...

I think this is a good idea. Big baking is the worst... I don't realize it until the end, but all that work and standing is definitely more than I'm used to and I can feel it.

I really enjoyed being pregnant at Christmas time. Seemed extra lovely, but I unfortunately don't remember too much of my pregnancy. That time goes so quickly.
