OB Appt
Everything looks good: My blood pressure was 118/70, no issues with my urine sample, they were pleased with my weight. I asked the doctor a list of questions. There are no concerns with my weight, she addressed how I started out over weight and they would be pleased to see me gain between 15-45lbs, but definitely not more and less is better.
I asked about what to do in an emergency, since we're 2 hours away: Get to the closest hospital ASAP, they can always transfer me. Particularly since I had Ave so quickly their concern is that I would end up delivering before getting to Albany. At least in O-town (1/2 way point there and where Ave was born) they would be able to handle the immediate situation, then transfer me/us.
Ultrasound Appt
Baby A is 2lbs, Babies B and C are 1lb 14oz. They all look awesome, fluid is good, everything else looks good. Hard to believe there is already almost 6 lbs of baby in there!
Everything looks good with me. My cervix is holding at 4.6cm+/-: The doctor was rather impressed/pleased that at 25 weeks with 3 I still have what is considered to be a normal cervical length [for anyone, not just a preggo person].
Now, here's the fun part! The U/S tech was the one I had in July that was so awesome (her friend had just had triplets a year ago, and already had a little girl 2 years old), she managed to get a group shot of the babies' heads.

And here's the REALLY fun part: All three babies are head down. I know, big deal, right? You're having a c-section anyways. Well, we found out that certain doctors in this practice will let you have triplets vaginally, not many, but a couple. The tech's friend is one who did have them vaginally, and there have been a couple others too, all of them successful.
So, no one is discussing delivery until December, but it might be possible to have these babies va.ginally; which would just about be awesome in my opinion! I'm really very nervous of a c-section (the risks to me and the babies etc), and while I will not do anything that may risk/harm the babies, the fact that a va.ginal delivery could possibly be an option is FANTASTIC.
All is good and I go back in 2 weeks for an OB visit, then 2 weeks after for another OB and US. After that we'll be going every week. The Lord has been beyond phenomenal, I couldn't even believe how good everything was today!
So, no one is discussing delivery until December, but it might be possible to have these babies va.ginally; which would just about be awesome in my opinion! I'm really very nervous of a c-section (the risks to me and the babies etc), and while I will not do anything that may risk/harm the babies, the fact that a va.ginal delivery could possibly be an option is FANTASTIC.
All is good and I go back in 2 weeks for an OB visit, then 2 weeks after for another OB and US. After that we'll be going every week. The Lord has been beyond phenomenal, I couldn't even believe how good everything was today!
Yay Yay Yay!! Yay for good news all the way around. You're cervix measurement is crazy awesome. And the ultrasound shot is incredibly.
You're doing wonderfully. Carrying triplets like a rock start. here's to many more weeks.
OMG! I had NO idea that you could have triplets vaginally, but how awesome would that be?! I'm so excited for you!
Glad you had a good appt. I can't imagine having three babies naturally!! I had a C-section for one and recovery is hard from that.
Can't wait to see more pics of the babies!
Woo Hoo times 3!! :)
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