24 Weeks
Size of Baby: They are the size of ears of corn now (from head to toe)...about 12"
Maternity Clothes: Yupperooski
Weight Gain: Down only 2lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight. My not gaining is becoming a bit of an issue (not with the doctors yet, but with Matt and my mom). I'm adding in protein shakes and other high fat foods (avocados, cheese, etc) to try and put on some weight.
At this point I've seriously lost all of my booty, as well as the pudge on my hips and thighs and face. Matt told me I'm looking like a 12 year old again...which is what happens to me when I lose weight.
At this point I've seriously lost all of my booty, as well as the pudge on my hips and thighs and face. Matt told me I'm looking like a 12 year old again...which is what happens to me when I lose weight.
Stretch Marks: A few new ones, above my belly button...there seems to be a new one every day.
Sleep: Sleep is good, but I'm seemingly having to get up more and more during the night and it's becoming harder and harder to get out of bed. I do have to have something under my stomach, otherwise the weight there just pulls on my back and hips.
Best Moment of the Week: I think we've confirmed Baby Boy #2's name: James Matthew
Movement: Yep.
Symptoms: Feeling good, the turkey-timer (ie. belly button) says I'm done....it never popped with Avelyn.
Food Cravings: none really....trying to up my intake of veggies though, and decrease my sugars
Gender: 2 boys and a girl
What I Miss: Getting up and down and out of anything without it being an ordeal. It's a really good thing our bed is wrought iron and solid
What I'm Looking Forward to: Each week more the babies stay put!
Weekly Wisdom: my days are quickly numbered
Milestones: VIABILITY! 12 weeks until they're guaranteed to be here.
Emotions: A bit more balanced....which isn't saying much for me.
Measurements: Pre-pregnancy: waist 38", hips 46"
This week: 45" waist , 47"hips (LET THE GROWTH BEGIN!)
The whole measurement thing is really funny to me....because I don't seem to be growing at all, but there is this huge belly there lol Not sure how that works.

And I'll be brave....bare belly shots! These are not for the faint or week of heart. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
All the redish lines are new stretch marks from this pregnancy.
This week: 45" waist , 47"hips (LET THE GROWTH BEGIN!)
The whole measurement thing is really funny to me....because I don't seem to be growing at all, but there is this huge belly there lol Not sure how that works.
And I'll be brave....bare belly shots! These are not for the faint or week of heart. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Looking great!!! Keep them cookin!!!
I love pregnant bellies, and you and your children will love looking back at these photos later -- even if you think they're "scary" now! If you were in my area, I'd be trying to convince you to let me do maternity photos! ;)
You look great! Here's to 12 more weeks. Also wait until your belly button disappears all together. By the time i delivered Eli & Emmy my belly button had totally disappeared and was just flat because my stomach was so stretched out.
Congratulations on reaching 24 weeks! I'm praying that you make it 12 more weeks. I love the names btw. I'm glad you all stuck with Charles :).
yay for moving along! I will be 24 weeks tomorrow, yay for viability ;)
it's funny how belly actually makes YOU look thing. Like, I look at my pictures and feel that my thighs are so thin and toned. Let me tell you, I have NEVER considered my thighs thin and toned ;)))
well, all is relative...
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