Size of Baby: They are the size of spaghetti squash now (from head to toe)...about 11"
Maternity Clothes: Yupperooski
Weight Gain: Down only 2lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight
Stretch Marks: A few new ones, above my belly button
Sleep: Other than waking up with my hips hurting from sleeping too long on one side it's fine.
Best Moment of the Week: Getting the fabric curtain for the nursery
Movement: Yep.
Symptoms: Feeling good.
Food Cravings: none really....trying to up my intake of veggies though, and decrease my sugars
Gender: 2 boys and a girl
What I Miss: Getting up and down and out of bed without it being an ordeal
What I'm Looking Forward to: Hitting 24 weeks.....1 more week!
Weekly Wisdom: ummmm I don't have any
Milestones: 1 weeks 'til viability 13 weeks until they're guaranteed to be here!
Emotions: A bit more balanced....which isn't saying much for me.
Measurements: Pre-pregnancy: waist 38", hips 46"
This week: 45" waist , 47"hips (LET THE GROWTH BEGIN!)
The whole measurement thing is really funny to me....because I don't seem to be growing at all, but there is this huge belly there lol Not sure how that works.

Vent (this is long):
I am really annoyed. I've been having a cough for almost 2 weeks now, it was better for almost a week in between, just a dry tickle that results in massive coughing fits. Well the past few days my cervix has had a lot of twinges and pulling and just general uncomfortableness. I decided today to call the doctor's office, because I'm concerned about my cervix shortening from the coughing.
I called this morning at 9am and was told a nurse would call me in 10 minutes. I had to run some errands, and at noon still no one had called me. I called again and they finally put me through to a MFM nurse. I explained my concerns to the nurse, who promptly told me I could take cough medicine for the cough (but it's not that kind of a cough) or advil cold and sinus (I'm pretty sure she said that...but it's a No-no because it has ibuprofen in it).
She then asks me, "Are you high-risk?", yes, I'm pregnant with triplets, "No other reason?", No, I'm just concerned that my cervix could be shortening because of the coughing, "Well there's really nothing we could do for you". Seriously?! SERIOUSLY?! I'm pregnant with 3 babies, 1 week from viability, telling you I feel like my cervix is shortening (I have had a baby before) and you say there's nothing you can do!
The nurse transferred me again to the front desk to try and schedule an earlier ultrasound just to see what's going on (really just to appease me). The receptionist does not want to schedule me for an earlier appointment without a doctor's authorization to do so (again, SERIOUSLY!). I tell her which MFM nurse I spoke to and that she suggested having an earlier ultrasound to easy my mind. The receptionist doesn't want, but she guesses since the nurse said it was ok, she will...the soonest is October 17th, 1 week before my next appointment.
I'm seriously annoyed. Honestly, if I thought it was bad enough to be really worried about I would just go to the hospital. I'm not someone to call WOLF about things, but I am concerned (see prior post about that). It just really pisses me off that no one is even taking it seriously or wants to even be of assistance. Maybe I've just been spoiled and this is how things are: I know my OB who delivered Ave would tell me to come in to be checked and our RE would be the same way. They just don't seem to care at all.
It really got my goat that the MFM nurse didn't think having triplets was reason enough to be high risk. I thought that was the whole point, that it is high risk to be carrying THREE babies! It just really seems to me that if you're not 24 weeks, they won't do ANYTHING. Which even in a singleton pregnancy doctors will do things if your cervix is having issues (cerclage) before 24 weeks. There just seems to be this air of, until your babies are viable we won't do ANYTHING.
I know for myself, I'm just going to take it really easy for the next week or so, and if it's feeling better then I'll cancel the appointment on the 17th, if not and I'm still concerned I'll go. I just feel so helpless, again like we're so close and yet so far, but that no one wants to take anything seriously or help. GRR.
I already had said to Matt at my next appointment they are getting a boat load of questions: No one has even discussed with me what numbers to call if I'm having contractions or my water breaks; I don't even know where I go for the L&D at the hospital (I have never been to this hospital - we go for a tour on 11/13); I asked about a NICU tour (of the hospital tour director) and was told my physician has to authorize that and organize it.
I'm just really starting to feel the crunch and pressured, because now it's getting to be game time. The past 23 weeks have been the cake walk, now is when things can happen and happen REALLY fast. I want to be prepared for all of that, as much as I can.
This week: 45" waist , 47"hips (LET THE GROWTH BEGIN!)
The whole measurement thing is really funny to me....because I don't seem to be growing at all, but there is this huge belly there lol Not sure how that works.
Vent (this is long):
I am really annoyed. I've been having a cough for almost 2 weeks now, it was better for almost a week in between, just a dry tickle that results in massive coughing fits. Well the past few days my cervix has had a lot of twinges and pulling and just general uncomfortableness. I decided today to call the doctor's office, because I'm concerned about my cervix shortening from the coughing.
I called this morning at 9am and was told a nurse would call me in 10 minutes. I had to run some errands, and at noon still no one had called me. I called again and they finally put me through to a MFM nurse. I explained my concerns to the nurse, who promptly told me I could take cough medicine for the cough (but it's not that kind of a cough) or advil cold and sinus (I'm pretty sure she said that...but it's a No-no because it has ibuprofen in it).
She then asks me, "Are you high-risk?", yes, I'm pregnant with triplets, "No other reason?", No, I'm just concerned that my cervix could be shortening because of the coughing, "Well there's really nothing we could do for you". Seriously?! SERIOUSLY?! I'm pregnant with 3 babies, 1 week from viability, telling you I feel like my cervix is shortening (I have had a baby before) and you say there's nothing you can do!
The nurse transferred me again to the front desk to try and schedule an earlier ultrasound just to see what's going on (really just to appease me). The receptionist does not want to schedule me for an earlier appointment without a doctor's authorization to do so (again, SERIOUSLY!). I tell her which MFM nurse I spoke to and that she suggested having an earlier ultrasound to easy my mind. The receptionist doesn't want, but she guesses since the nurse said it was ok, she will...the soonest is October 17th, 1 week before my next appointment.
I'm seriously annoyed. Honestly, if I thought it was bad enough to be really worried about I would just go to the hospital. I'm not someone to call WOLF about things, but I am concerned (see prior post about that). It just really pisses me off that no one is even taking it seriously or wants to even be of assistance. Maybe I've just been spoiled and this is how things are: I know my OB who delivered Ave would tell me to come in to be checked and our RE would be the same way. They just don't seem to care at all.
It really got my goat that the MFM nurse didn't think having triplets was reason enough to be high risk. I thought that was the whole point, that it is high risk to be carrying THREE babies! It just really seems to me that if you're not 24 weeks, they won't do ANYTHING. Which even in a singleton pregnancy doctors will do things if your cervix is having issues (cerclage) before 24 weeks. There just seems to be this air of, until your babies are viable we won't do ANYTHING.
I know for myself, I'm just going to take it really easy for the next week or so, and if it's feeling better then I'll cancel the appointment on the 17th, if not and I'm still concerned I'll go. I just feel so helpless, again like we're so close and yet so far, but that no one wants to take anything seriously or help. GRR.
I already had said to Matt at my next appointment they are getting a boat load of questions: No one has even discussed with me what numbers to call if I'm having contractions or my water breaks; I don't even know where I go for the L&D at the hospital (I have never been to this hospital - we go for a tour on 11/13); I asked about a NICU tour (of the hospital tour director) and was told my physician has to authorize that and organize it.
I'm just really starting to feel the crunch and pressured, because now it's getting to be game time. The past 23 weeks have been the cake walk, now is when things can happen and happen REALLY fast. I want to be prepared for all of that, as much as I can.
I'm a little pissed at them for you! I think triplets is a pretty serious thing as far as the high risk issues goes. Is this the same clinic that wanted you to reduce your pregnancy? Triplets are serious enough to tell you to reduce, but not serious enough to get an extra appointment because something actually feels wrong? Yeah, that doesn't make sense at all.
I think you should definitely bring up these concerns as soon as you can talk to your MFM. If you have the ability, you might try to leave a note specifically for your MFM if you think it's the nurses and not the dr being a ditz about the seriousness here.
Um, yeah, that's messed up. A mother's instinct should always be heeded in my opinion.
Keep in mind that if you are really nervous and they blow you off, you can always just go to the ER. Heck, lie if you have to and tell them you were having some contractions!
my newsletter already announced viability... maybe it's the 24th week, not 24 weeks?
you look great! so happy :)
I really hear you on the sore hips thing...
hope your worries were all unfounded!
WHAT! I would be pissed too! And why can't they just check you anyway? Isn't the mother always right?
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