Wednesday, September 21

Girl Names

Names are really hard! I'm glad we at least have one of the boys named. We know we're going to name our newest little girl something with the nickname "Ellie", we just haven't been able to figure out what.

I had really liked the name Elanor, I remember it being somewhere in Lord of the Rings. The only problem was how most people (in backwoods upstate NY) pronounce the name: L-ner. We were then throwing around the names Eliza, Elyssa/Elysa, Elizabeth, but none of them were really striking me, and Matt was rather "ehh" about them.

The Elanor thing kept bothering me, because I really do like the name and remember it from LOTR. I didn't feel like re-reading the books (just did last year), so I googled it...nothing. Googled it again, and it gave me another suggestion...A-HAH!

Elanor: Oldest daughter of Samwise Gamgee, or Elanor the Fair, known affectionately by her father as Elanorellë, was the first daughter of Samwise Gamgee and Rosie Cotton. She was born March 25. Samwise Gamgee is only one of my absolutely most favorite literary characters!

I knew there was a reason I liked the name so much, spelled that particular way. Then there is her birth date, March 25th, which also happens to be Matt and my dating anniversary (dorky I know). So, I think Elanor is back in the lead for a girls name!

Now to think of middle names for little miss Ellie! Thinking possibly Susan (as that is Matt's mom's middle name)....any other suggestions. Lucy, Beatrice, and Anne are also on our middle name list.


Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

I love the nickname "Ellie" and I think Elanor is just so sweet.

I'm voting for Susan for the middle name. I think it's perfect. :)

sadie607 said...

I'm also voting Susan for the middle name! Ellie so sweet I love it!

Anonymous said...

I love literary references in baby names! My hubby's not a reader, but he always likes me telling him about what I'm reading, and we discuss the names a lot.

And I like Susan too.
