Tuesday, June 14

Triple the trouble!

Here's their first picture (well second really)...the nurse was trying to get a good shot of all three of them, but it wasn't working.
They're all looking good and the little one from last week caught up...all though, they're all a bit behind, but nothing that was concerning (A-6w0d, B-5w6d, C-6w2d). The nurse did further prep me that I could still lose one or more of the babies, being that it is multiples the decrease in miscarriage after seeing heartbeats doesn't apply the same way. I told her I was well aware that this still could end in a lot of heartbreak.

She asked me if I had found a doctor yet and I said I hadn't, she suggested a couple up in Albany. I did find one an hour closer. I called their office today and had my files released to them, I figure I'll call in a couple of days. If they have the facilities to care for me and the babies there, then we'll go with them, but if they would just end up transferring me to Albany anyway then I might just go with Albany.

We're planning on telling family on Sunday. We'll have everyone together and figure we can get it all done in one shot....hopefully they all take it well. We'll see....FIL was already saying last night about how 4 kids is too many etc etc. We'll see.

We're not rushing out to buy things right now....car, cribs, car seats....in the even that something does happen. I don't really feel like committing to a new car, before we know that this is going to be for-real.

I really am going to miss my RE: I have one more appt with them next week and then bye-bye...for a few years. Although I will keep in touch with them because they still owe me some much needed money!

Anyways, here are some important dates:

Due date: Feb 3, 2012
Viability (24 weeks): October 14, 2011
32 Weeks: December 8, 2011 (Matt's birthday)
35 Weeks: December 30, 2011
36 Weeks: January 6, 2012

My goal is 35 weeks, if not 36/37....I'm really hoping these kids stick in there and COOK! I guess that means I won't be going crazy for Christmas stuff this year (no 12 hour baking sessions). I plan on having our Christmas cards done in October or November, so I don't have to worry about that.

Although I am in a bit of a quandary about Christmas stockings. My stocking is needlepoint that my mom did, I made Matt's and Ave's. It took me about 9-12 months to do those stockings and I don't honestly enjoy it (I do, but not a lot), plus their stockings are SO MUCH smaller than mine (almost 1/2 of mine). I'm thinking I might be making us all new stockings that are quilted, and have Matt's grandma use her embroidery machine on them for their names. We'll see....I have a lot of projects that I need to get done in the next few months while I still can!


VA Blondie said...

Glad to hear things are good, so far. I also hope that they all stay in there and cook.

I think the quilted stockings are a great idea. If that is what you like to do, it will be more fun for you and turn out a whole lot better.

Amanda said...

I was thinking about all your sewing projects earlier and thinking that you better get done what you can now.

When you get ready to start gathering baby gear you might try to find a 'moms of multiples' groups and see if they can help you out.

Featheronawire Sally Bramald said...

All is looking good. What you might want to do now is buy some huge clothes. If what I have found out so far is right for all trip pregnancies, by about 20 weeks you will be the size of a 'normal' 36 weekand growing by the minute.Normal maternity clothes don't stretch much bigger than this! Get much larger things than you think possible whilst you can get still get out and only buy the 'under bump' pants. No maternity clothes go over a trip bump!
Investigate prams. The one for trips from New Zealand seems to be the best option, delivery can take 10 days or 3 months! Though you don't need to plan on having them home much before their 'normal' due date.
And rest as much as possible, even now.
Lots of love.

Jendeis said...

So glad that things seem to be going well.

Don't you worry about Christmas. Will flood you with baked goods. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy and hello from ICLW. Good luck finding a Dr.
