Tuesday, June 21

And the beat goes on....

Had my last RE appt today: Every thing looks good. Two of the babies are measuring ahead by 1 day (7w5d) with heart rates around 144-150, the third one is measuring a few days behind, but the heart was just a beating away (the nurse tried to get their heart-rate, but was having issues). Can I just say how increasingly uncomfortable it is to have internal ultrasounds....oh my goodness there is just so much pressure there!

I think we've told almost all of our family members, I can't think of anyone we've missed. Most everyone thought we were lying to them about it being triplets. Of course FIL keeps saying "for now" it's triplets....way to be a downer! Most everyone has absolutely no idea what to say when they're realize we're serious....it's actually kind of funny.

We're still holding off on telling the general populous for a while longer, at least 12 weeks, and maybe longer than that that it's triplets. For whatever reason, I am nervous as anything to tell people we're having 3 BABIES AT ONCE! I think it's mostly the judgment and pity that people pass on you. So nothing on facebo.ok yet. We might actually wait until after the fair, so that we can go "into hiding" to avoid people. Just let them think I'm uber fat :-P

I'm feeling ok, surprisingly ok...like I'm afraid to jinx it ok. I do feel crappy sometimes and I'm definitely tired (nap time is wonderful, even if my house does look like a tornado went through), but I don't feel much different from how I felt when pregnant with Ave. That may just be selective memory.

I did decide on an OB: We're going with AMC. I decided that in spite of the extra travel I would rather have just one doctor (or one practice) than deal with doctors not keeping each other informed. We'll see how it goes.

Oh, yea, and I'm definitely showing lol I guess that's par for the course since I have half of a basketball team in there :-)


Amanda said...

I'm still in shock over it. It just doesn't happen a lot. You are very special. Very blessed. And you are going to be so sick of people's response to "it's triplets" by the time this is over, it won't be funny.

Liz said...

Congratulations on the triplets, that is amazing!! Sounds like they are doing great. Wishing you the best.

Visiting from ICLW.

Photogrl said...

Wow, wow, WOW!!!!

The Lord has blessed you and Matt!

I remember my excitement/fear with finding out about my twins...I'm sure your mind is racing with all the overwhelming thoughts.

Holding you ALL close in my thoughts and prayers! Congratulations!

Pix said...

Hello from ICLW and super huge congratulations! Yes, I think people (including myself) might be a bit shell shocked when then learn you are having triplets. But after the initial "oh my goodness" phase, how can they not be completely thrilled for you! Best wishes!

Cheese Curds and Kimchi

Maria said...

i think it is wonderfully amazing...triplets!! it's magical! :) ugh, internal ultrasounds...the story of my life.
3 healthy heartbeats is such a blessing! congratulations on a great appt!!
and thank you for your sweet comment!
<3 maria

Anonymous said...

It is magical! I showed DH the u/s pic the other day and just said look. He goes TRIPLETS? WOW.
Wishing you all the best.

My (In)fertile Confessions said...

YAY for heartbeats! I totally remember that feeling, being so fearful of telling people it was twins, just incase one vanished! I was so fearful of that happening. At about 7 weeks I had a sort of epiphany and new they were both in God's hands. I released them both to him and the burden was off of my shoulders.

Praying they all hang on!

Manda said...

I hadn't noticed that you were back. I'm glad! Congratulations on this AMAZING blessing. Wishing you all the best.

Dragon's Blossom said...

Hi, visiting frome ICLW. Congratulations on the triplets!! I am sure lots of people are shocked when they hear triplets but I am very sure they are happy for you! Best of luck to you and sending you sticky baby dust for all 3 of your little ones!

Anonymous said...

Stopping from ICLW
Wow! Triplets!
I didn't find your TTC timeline, but whatever you had to go through - was sure all worth it!

I am also pregnant (with one baby) and it looks like we're "cycle buddies" - I just passed 7 weeks on Sunday.

Definitely will follow you - good luck!

Anonymous said...

i know what to say: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

Rachel said...

I hear you on the internal ultra sounds, that seems to be the only kind they can ever do on me (well early on that is). Congrats again on the triplets and I can understanding wanting to wait to tell the general public. I am having no trouble this time keeping this to myself. What a blessing to have 3 heartbeats, how amazing. Get some rest :-)

Jenny said...

Happy ICLW!

Wow, you hit the jackpot! So very excited for you. Congratulations!

JJ said...

So exciting! Wishing you well all the way through this amazing journey!

Liz said...

Thanks for your comment. I live outside of Syracuse, NY in the finger lakes. Are you from NY?

Anonymous said...

glad to hear all three babies are doing well! I can't wait to read more of your journey!


Kate said...

congratulations times three!

St Elsewhere said...

Congratulations x 3!!!

Amazing really.

I understand your sentiment for not revealing on FB and I don't plan to come out on FB either.

Many blessings to the little babies!

iclw #36
