Friday, April 22

One Thousand Gifts 951-975

951. That I have awesome blog friends who are always there for me with support and great advice (even if I never meet some of them)
Getting all of the birthday and thank you cards I needed to written and mailed on time
953. Having dinner with great friends
954. Wonderful devotional reading for Good Friday
955. That our Lord willingly gave his life our sins
956. Apples to Apples
957. Friends that you don't have to care what your house looks like or what the meal is to have over
958. "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son."  - John 3:16
959. Fish and Chips
960. Rachel's yummy Torte
961. Friends who just love on Avelyn so much
962. Laughing so hard you think you're going to wet your pants
963. Joining hands in prayer
964. New supplies arriving (stay tuned for details :-)
965. Friends who hopefully will be moving in next door *please Lord*
966. A Husband who loves me and totally makes me life
967. That I only have to catch a few words of his conversations to know exactly what he's talking about
968. How quickly the words "thank you" flow from Avelyn's lips...without being prompted
967. That he was humiliated, desecrated, and destroyed by our sin and for our sin
968. Acceptance and love of one and other
969. Friends who help clean up and do dishes after dinner
970. Not feeling guilty because my house isn't perfect or because the said friends do help do dishes (this is huge for me and honestly there are VERY FEW people I allow to help me do cleanup and host)
971. Sitting and enjoying
972. Silence...a few moments of it in a crazy busy day
973. Matt and Ave giggling together over ridiculous things
974. Avelyn: Absolutely every single little thing about her
975. Emotions: How devoid would life be if we didn't feel ANYTHING?

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