Friday, April 1

One Thousand Gifts #501-525

501. Birds singing while the sun is out and it's snowing (only in upstate NY)
502. The printing press, without which I wouldn't have....
503. ...a house full of books!
504. A husband who helps me speed clean the house
505. Having enough.....
506. Patience
507. Money
508. Time
509. Tissues (for the sick baby)
510. Lists (I love lists....obviously)
511. Deep insightful authors (AW Tozer
512. For will-power, through Him (only way I have any)
513. That I can just KNOW that HE is GOD, and that is enough
514. Things that make us stop and think....really think
515. Great old hymns....that I somehow still remember
516. A husband who is a handy-man
517. A father in law who took the time to teach his son how to build/repair/construct etc
518. Watching Ave actually start putting puzzles back together
519. Vacuums
520. Having another snow storm pass us by with just a little of the white stuff
521. Even though it still snows, SPRING IS ON THE WAY!!!!!
522. A $45 credit from Brecks (MORE FLOWERS!)
523. How God uses color....every infinitesimal detail and shade
524. Matthew being home by supper-time
525. A sick baby who just wants to cuddle (NEVER HAPPENS!)

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