Friday, April 1

17 months

This little girl gets more and more amazing with each passing day. Boy is she a spit-fire though! I think we're moving rapidly toward the "terrible twos", because each day seems to bring some other issue with it.

17 Months
* Back to not sleeping through the night....some nights are great, others not so good
* Some nights she takes a bottle, sometimes she doesn't
* Becoming a picky eater (joy!)
* I think Avelyn signs about 8 different things
* She says "please" and "thank you" (sometimes it's signed)
* She says at least 35 different words and sounds
* She says "I sorry" if something happens that shouldn't have (whether it's her fault or not)
* Loves splashing in puddles
* Still way too friendly at the store
* Weighing in around 24.5 lbs
* Helps stock shelves at the store
* Absolutely adores animals....squats right down and says "peas come"
* LOVES to get into things she shouldn't

(She got stuck between the wall and the piano: Playing with snow inside: Looking outside at the snow: Sitting in the dishwasher....I kid you not I turned around to grab something from the counter and she had the door open and sitting there)

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