Tuesday, June 1

7 Months

I know everyone says it, but I honestly don't know where the past 7 months have gone. It seems like Avelyn has always been a part of our life, but that it was just yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital.

May was an extraordinary month for Ave. I don't think it is possible for their to have been more first in such a short time!
*First and second tooth
*First and second visit with my friend, Sadie, and her twins
*Started "crawling"
*Started pulling yourself up on things (particularly people and the sides of your crib)
*We've had to drop the mattress in your crib
*First time swimming
*First time having fruits

Ave, every day you're growing bigger and it's more and more fun to see what new things you'll discover each day. Even when you're miserable and not sleeping you're still a wonder to behold and more joy than we could ever have hoped for. It's an adventure and I'm so excited for every day. I love you sweet girl!


Miss said...

oh my gosh she is so so so cute!

and I agree...7 months? how did THAT happen?!?!?!?!?!??!

Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

She is just precious! And I agree. How can she be 7 months already?!?

Photogrl said...

Happy 7 months!

It goes so fast...I can't believe how big she's getting!

Crossing My Fingers said...

She seems like such a sweet, precious girl!!! Happy 7 months!

foxy said...

Hi Jess,
I am visiting from ICLW. My husband and I are also Azoos and considering DS to start our family. Your little girl is adorable and so happy. I love the pictures of the river! (and am a little jealous that I don't have a river and 95 deg weather to enjoy it!) I'll be back to check out all of the DS resources you have listed. I feel like I can't get enough information before making the decision to move forward. Thanks for sharing your success story! -Foxy

raisingmiles said...

She is getting so big!
