I immediately called Matt...he told me to "let the dogs back in and put a few traps out"...ummm....the mouse hasn't touched a trap and the dogs are oblivious. I told him he needs to rebuild the wall on the cellar side TONIGHT! My house is trashed, but I refuse to share it with a mouse!
The bathroom is c o m i n g a l o n g s l o w l y. . . . Unfortunately there is no way for me to speed the process up. Last Wednesday we made a trip to Lowe.s specifically to return the shower door and get a new one. On Saturday I'm looking at the receipt and think to myself "Why does it say 48" door?" I get home and check...the Lowe.s guy loaded the WRONG door into the cart (and it was 9:15 at night and we didn't think to check). Back the door has to go (just a reminder....Lo.wes is 45 minutes away, one way, from our house).
Well here's some pictures of what has gotten done in the bathroom. We're still no where near me being able to start working in there, but it's coming along.
Ok, here's the layout of the vanity and the shower....at the end of the shower, closest to you, will be a full wall, then the toilet. Unfortunately while doing all these things for layout and spacing we found out that the walls are not square (Surprise! No.) So Matt spent most of yesterday sanding down the 100 year old studs to try and square the wall.
We pulled the toilet out yesterday, can I just say that was disgusting. The floor under it is rotted out and I don't think it was ever installed correctly to begin with. We are re-using the toilet, but it will certainly be getting thoroughly scourged before it goes back in the NEW bathroom. AND, Matt discovered why it wobbled...they failed to attach the toilet to the actually floor on the one side.
The other thing that Matt did get done yesterday was the boxes installed for the electric...the electric was run prior to sheet rocking, but not hooked up. He's hoping that this week one evening he can run all the wires and "plug" them in...hopefully we'll have lights soon!
Other things...
Daylight Savings time is working out well for us with Ave's sleeping. She goes down at 8 (was 7 before) and wakes up in the morning at 7:30. Now, before you get all excited...she is still waking up at 12:30am and 4:30am...I can NOT figure out the 12:30 thing. I've tried not giving her a bottle and just soothing back to sleep, but she genuinely wants a bottle and takes 4oz. At least she is going right back to sleep though after her bottles...rather than wanting to play.
We tried the rice cereal again the other day and she actually was eating it. She wasn't doing the pushing the food out with her tongue thing as much and was opening her mouth up for more. Matt got in on the action and fed her for the first time too. We don't have a high chair yet (no room until the bathroom is done and the swing is gone), so we use the exer-saucer as her feeding station.
Tell me that isn't a self-satisfied grin :-)
I'm still plugging along at my mom's quilt...I have two weeks left. I have all of the star blocks done, but I still need to stitch all of the photo blocks (and finish printing the photo blocks). Here's my goal and time frame: This week...all blocks need to be finished (I'm going to ask MIL to take A for a couple of hours on Thursday); next week the quilt needs to get stitched together. It's not an impossible time frame....hopefully I can manage it.
I'm still waiting on my brother to mail me pictures. I asked him a month ago where his baby album was..."In my closet at home". I looked...it's not there. I finally caved and asked my mother where it was and she said "he has it", so she called him and asked about it. Then I had to call his wife and ask her...she said she'd have them to me this week. I'm praying she does.
I've emailed a couple of times, but I don't want to be a PITA, but if I don't get the pictures by this weekend...there will only be little kid pictures of my brother in the quilt...no baby pictures.
I'd love to show you pictures of what I've got done, but I have absolutely no CLEAN place to lay the blocks out to take a picture...you'll have to wait until next week (I'm planning on finishing the quilt at my MIL's)
Anyways...I think that brings you all up to speed on some of the things going on :-) I hope everyone is doing well and deep in preparations for St. Patrick's Day!
I'm still plugging along at my mom's quilt...I have two weeks left. I have all of the star blocks done, but I still need to stitch all of the photo blocks (and finish printing the photo blocks). Here's my goal and time frame: This week...all blocks need to be finished (I'm going to ask MIL to take A for a couple of hours on Thursday); next week the quilt needs to get stitched together. It's not an impossible time frame....hopefully I can manage it.
I'm still waiting on my brother to mail me pictures. I asked him a month ago where his baby album was..."In my closet at home". I looked...it's not there. I finally caved and asked my mother where it was and she said "he has it", so she called him and asked about it. Then I had to call his wife and ask her...she said she'd have them to me this week. I'm praying she does.
I've emailed a couple of times, but I don't want to be a PITA, but if I don't get the pictures by this weekend...there will only be little kid pictures of my brother in the quilt...no baby pictures.
I'd love to show you pictures of what I've got done, but I have absolutely no CLEAN place to lay the blocks out to take a picture...you'll have to wait until next week (I'm planning on finishing the quilt at my MIL's)
Anyways...I think that brings you all up to speed on some of the things going on :-) I hope everyone is doing well and deep in preparations for St. Patrick's Day!
We started feeding Kasen oatmeal a week before he turned 4-months-old. He took right to it and has been a champion eater ever since!
Oh lawdy! I don't know how you're living in that space especially with rodents running around! Ave is a cutie pie!
Having just finished lengthy renovations, I feel for you on the bathroom/mouse. You need a Cat! A is totally adorable. I love her hair. It looks like she's got a chic little pixie cut.
Eww on the mouse I hope it goes away quickly and I can't wait to see the finished bathroom it will all be worth it in the end. A is just so precious I love the new pictures.
Lots going on! I probably would have packed my bags and left until the mouse was gone. Ave is adorable, and her eating pictures are so cute. Better sleep will come but there are sure to be hiccups along the way. Hang in there!
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