Saturday, March 27

It's DONE! I cannot tell you how glad I am to be done with this :-) It's been impossibly hard to do, not because of the 4 month old, but because of the renovations. I did most of this quilt on the kitchen counter. I think it's because of this that I am reluctant to put another border on.

The other border was going to be the dark beige, but Matt said he thought it looked good without it; I'll use that as my binding. I haven't measured it, but I think the quilt is about 65x75...pretty decent size. I don't know what my mom is going to want to do with it: Hang it, use it, store it...I don't know. We also have to pay extra to have it quilted for the quilt, meaning instead of an all over pattern, the quilt is actually quilted for the design of the quilt...much more time consuming (and expensive).

I just have to measure out my batting and look at the backing. I found the duvet that I'm going to use. My grandmother brought it with her when she came to the US from Germany. The center is batten-burg lace...I just have to stitch part of the back of the duvet against the front of it, since the diamond does open on to whatever blanket is underneath. I'm going to send it with the quilt and tell the lady, if she can do it great, if not we'll just go with a muslin backing.

I do really like this pattern. I may have to use it again some day for a regular quilt. The pictures are an awesome part of this quilt, but the finding them and the collaging them in photoshop was more time consuming than the quilt.

Bottom line is I know my mom will love it.


Katie said...

It's beautiful! I love it! Fantastic work

Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

It is beautiful! Great job. I know your Mom is going to love it!

kimbosue said...

It's awesome. You are crazy talented!
