She's growing well and the doctor had no concerns. Last time he had found a slight heart murmur and said he wanted to watch it, he wasn't sure if it would be serious or not. This time he didn't think it was serious at all and sounded like it was closing up on it's own: Yay!
She had shots again today...boy she doesn't like them. Matt didn't go with me last time, he did today and I thought HE was going to lose it when she got her shots. I hate it and have to control myself from crying when she's hysterical, but him...he started coughing, I think he was seriously getting choked up.
Other things: I've tried to start working with A at self-soothing at night. On Saturday night we started a firm routine (bath, if needed, books, bottle, prayers, down). I stay in the room with her until she's asleep, but I don't pick her up. I basically put her in the crib awake...she kicks around a bit looks at her sound/light machine on the ceiling, and slowly goes out. It takes about 5-10 minutes until she's asleep.
Every night that I've done this she's slept from 7:30/8:00 until midnight, then down until 4:30/5:00 and out again until 7:00am. Definitely better....I just need to figure out how to get rid of the midnight wake up...it doesn't help me to fall asleep for only an hour, before she wakes up...I might try adding in a dream feeding again.
The other interesting thing is our doctor doesn't see any point in starting solids (even rice cereal) until 6months. I don't feel so strongly either way about starting the solids, so we'll just wait and see. Other than that...he's pleased with how she's growing and says everything looks good.
Now hopefully her sleep routine doesn't get screwed up by her shots...
Yay for a growing healthy baby! (Avelyn is already longer than both of mine).
She's almost the same thing as her cousin, who is 26 1/2", and she's 3 months older. I think she's going to be tall. I'm the shortest one in my family, by a lot 5'5", my sister and mom are both 5'8" and taller, and my brother is 6'4". The donor was 6'2".
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