Wednesday, February 24

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. ~Leo J. Burke

Sleep? Sleep?! I know not what you speak of, please tell me what is this "sleep"?

That's been our house the past two nights. Monday night [into Tuesday] A decided to do what she usually does from 4-6 (waking up every 45 minutes) from midnight until 6. I had just gone to bed 30 minutes before she started. I think I got a total of 2 hours sleep.

Last night, I got more sleep, but it was another rough one. I put A down at 8:15, I went to sleep at 9:30, I heard her at 11:30, went in dreamfed her, and she was down until 3. I was thinking...OK, this is good, we're at least getting back to the other schedule. *ERH!* Nope. I put her back down at 3:15, she was ok until 4am...then she wanted to PLAY. Still OK, figure it's the 4 month wakefuls, I leave her in her crib and let her laugh and talk and play.

Then the crying starts. I go back in to sooth her and she is SOAKING WET all over her chest. I change her pajamas (I figured she'd spit up), got her to go back to sleep and put her back down. This lasted another 20 minutes. She's crying again, she's soaked again. I change her a 3rd time, and feel her bed...the sheets are soaked. At this point the kid is going to be sleeping on a quilt in her crib.

I've soothed her to sleep, she's taken 2 more oz...I'm standing next to the crib, and she starts gagging...I sit her upright and SPEW! all over me, the dresser, the floor, the pile of now REALLY dirty sheets and clothes: Projectile vomit. Fortunately I didn't get any on her. I put her down in the crib, she's back asleep now, and proceed to clean what I can in her's 5am. She fortunately slept until 7:15.

At that point I brought her into bed with me and we slept (after another bottle) until 10:30. I must say, I really enjoy the fact that I don't have to get up and go to work at 7am when she's had a night like that....God Bless ALL of you who do do that.

It wouldn't even have been a bad night, except for the changing clothes and sheets repeatedly. I hope she starts doing better soon.

Does ANYONE have ANY advice on dealing with the 4 month-wakefuls (I try to stimulate her as little as possible to get her to go back to sleep)? Or any ideas on how long it usually lasts? I know that her laughing/playing was definitely what they talk about, but could the sleeping on and off (45 minute intervals) in the early morning be part of it too?


kimbosue said...

So sorry mamma. I got no tips for you. Mr. Miles has been sleeping through the night since 9 weeks.

*said while ducking to avoid you throwing something at me* :-)

Hope this gets better soon!

Becky said...

Sounds just like what my son did at 4 months. Now at 6 1/2 months we've started the ferber method and it's been a miracle! Some of my other mommy friends swear by this but because i hate to here Nick cry i was reluctant to try, but so glad i did. Frist night took him 40 min to go to sleep, but then he slept for 7 hrs, had a bottle and went back to sleep with in minutes and slept another 4 1/2! The book reccomends starting at about 5 mtnhs or so, but when i didnt' think Nick was ready until 6months. It might be worth checking out. My local library had it but it was always checkd out. I bought it used on amazon for $6, i'm getting ready to lend it to a friend tonight. How to fix your child's sleep problems, dr ferber, good luck!

Rebekah said...

Sorry you're having a tough time still. We just continued with our normal routine, and it has gotten better (with a hiccup here and there). GL!
