Sunday, December 27

8 Weeks

Today Avelyn is 8 weeks, which means in only a few short days she'll be 2 months old :-(

Here she is at 4 weeks

and now at 8 weeks (yea, she is slouching a bit in the chair)She's almost as big as her bunny! Where is our little baby girl going?! I keep meaning to update her Baby's First Year calendar with all of the stickers, but it hasn't happened yet...probably because I can't remember the exact "first time" for things, but as of now, Ave can:
*Hold her head up
*Sucks her thumb
*Roll from back to side
*Smile at everything
*Grasp objects (especially candy canes ;-)
*Sleeps [almost] through the night (usually goes down at 10pm, up at 3:30 for bottle/diaper, back down 'til 7am, another bottle/diaper, and out until 10:30-11:00am)
*Fitting into some 3-6 months clothes, and all 3 month clothes

I'm sure there is more, but I just can't think of it right now.


sadie607 said...

Wow, I can't believe it's already been 8 weeks. She is so precious. I hope you all had a wonderful christmas!

VA Blondie said...

Time flies! I also cannot believe she is 8 weeks. She is wonderful!

Nicole said...

She is absolutely, ridiculously adorable!!!! I hope you had a wonderful holiday with your new addition!

Amanda said...

She just gets more and more beautiful! Isn't it just amazing to see her little personality forming.

Hooray for sleeping so well!!!

Jendeis said...

[Opens arms wide] She is sooooo big!

Feather on a Wire said...

Oh my!!! I missed this momentous event!!! She's lovely and all the more so because she is so very special.
As I put my daughter on the train today back to her final term at university, I remembered, she is 'my' miracle baby.
Enjoy her to the fullest, it goes so very quickly (and it accelerates),
with love,
