Tuesday, September 29

36 Week OB Appt.

Had another OB appointment, now I go weekly until the end. Of course, I still haven't seen the doctor since she did an ultrasound the end of June to guess whether it was a boy or a girl. The NP said that she is putting it on my chart that I see Dr. G...I said to her that it would be nice to actually see the DOCTOR before the hospital room. Anyways....they did the Group B Strep swab today...very exciting. Next week they're going to check my iron again...I'm hoping it's just fine. Here's the stats from today:

*My blood pressure is 110/62 (doesn't that sound low...it's usually 115/75-ish)
*Total weight gain is 11 lbs
*Measuring exactly 36 weeks
*Baby is definitely moving southward, her head is right against my cervix
*Cervix is still thick, but approximately a fingertip (we all know that means absolutely nothing).

There's no reasons to believe I'll go early or anything like that...so 4 more weeks it is. The NP did ask about pressure/cramping/etc low in my abdomen...I said "Yes, sometimes it actually hurts a bit, but I figure it's just her pushing against my cervix". She seemed to think that it could be BH contraction. Who knows.


Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

So glad to hear your appointment went well. You're in the home stretch now!

PS - thanks for the comment on my last post. When we tried DS with IUI's I felt so lonely. That definitely is the quieter side of infertility!

Jendeis said...

I can't believe you are soooo close now! Glad you had a good appointment.

annacyclopedia said...

Glad things are all going smoothly - we're both in the home stretch!

Melissa G said...

Wow 4 more weeks! I can hardly believe it.

Let the count down begin!

Gettysburg Homestead said...

A low BP is normal. Don't forget you are compensating for 2 now. We teach this in paramedic school because many people think that preganat ladies are in shock with a low BP.

