Tuesday, August 25

60 days

In 60 days there is a pretty good chance that a baby will be in our immediate future...that thought has me a bit overwhelmed. I'm at a stand still...I've been trying to get things done in the room, but nothing is happening.

*The fabric that arrived is too dark for the rest of the colors...so the quilt/curtains/crib skirt etc are all on hold until I can FIND the right fabric. Supposedly one vendor is mailing me a swatch of what I think is THE fabric, but I haven't gotten that yet either.

*I tried doing the wall letters and that was a nightmare. I still haven't received the ones I ordered online in the mail (I'm hoping any day now). Of course the vendor hasn't responded to my email so now I wonder if they're legit.

*I can't find a closet organizer that will fit in the closet.

*The bookcase we bought (a cheapy at walmart) isn't going to work. Now I'm asking Matt if he can make us one.

*The onesies I made for Matt's diaper bag SUCK! For whatever reason the iron on transfers are not working right (they're the stretchable ones)...I've never had this issue before, but I've never used the stretchable either.

*The cupcake bath bombs I made, for whatever reason, have what look like mold spots on them!

I just feel like there is so much that needs to get done and I can't do any of it and it's not for lack of trying! Every project I go to do I'm either missing something or there's something wrong and I can't continue on it. It's seriously starting to piss me off. I walk around the house and go to start one thing and there's some reason why I can't finish it.

One thing I have been working on is Matt's diaper bag, which is a bit humorous considering there is no bag involved yet. I think I've gotten just about everything that I want to go in it. I even made a couple of onesies that I thought he would like.


The Wife said...

I'm sorry you're going through a project rough patch. It's gotta be really frustrating. I hope things turn around! Yay for Avelyn almost being here!

Amanda said...

Eek! Well, try to not get too bogged down in the negative. I'm betting you have all of the necessities taken care of at this point and that's really what's important. Hopefully everything else will come together shortly.

I wonder why the bath bombs got mold spots? It sounded like a really cool idea, but apparently it's more difficult than it looks.

sadie607 said...

I agree with you on the dumb onesies, and for that matter dumb t-shirts for dads to wear about "their boys can swim" and other stupid things like that. Sorry none of your projects seem to be going well. I'm sure it will all come together in the end.

~Jess said...

Upon closer inspection of the cupcakes, it looks like mold, but I think maybe it's coloring from the cupcakes leaching into the icing...it's kind of the same color.

annacyclopedia said...

Jess, I'm sorry you're feeling overwhelmed and things are going off the rails slightly at the moment. I can TOTALLY relate right now! I'm trying to comfort myself by thinking that it's probably normal to have a bit of a freakout at this stage, but that doesn't make it any easier. Especially when things are not turning out as you planned.

Hope it gets much easier and everything starts going your way very, very soon!
