I did call the doctor today to ask about a couple of things:
* What I can take for motion sickness (otherwise this is going to be a really long drive to NC)?
** What were the results of the anatomy scan?
***How should I be sleeping, since I woke up on Saturday and my entire left leg was asleep from hip to toes?
* Unfortunately the only thing I can take for motion sickness is eunacin (?) or a sea-band: Matt was a sailor and said the sea-bands don't work, I'll try it.
**I called and talked to the doctor: Everything is good, baby is at 6oz and all the limbs/bones/organs etc are the proper lengths etc, and it looks like I'm measuring ahead at least a couple of days.
Now I can rest a bit easier. I go for my next regular appt on 6/5, and the nurse told me I could ask the doctor then about doing another u/s to find out the gender (I'd be 20 weeks), but she didn't think it would be a problem.
*** I probably just pinched a nerve or blood-flow...that it's all right, only to be worried if I notice red streaking or the leg itself is swollen. I'm so afraid of sleeping wrong and somehow hurting the baby. I mostly sleep on my back, but everything says not to do that...so I'm trying to sleep on my left side...I think it's time to steal some of the pillows back from Matt.
That's pretty much it....and here is the 17 week 2 day belly shot (it's so hard to believe I'm already 17 weeks!)
I don't get sick in the car, but I get wicked seasickness. I think the seabands actually DO work (although not for everyone). The key is to have them pressing in the right place. In my local drugstore, I found another type of wristband that were nicer than Seabands. Can't remember what they were called, but they were made of plastic and had little dials on them. They were supposed to work on MS, too (I might be testing them out soon!). You might want to look for them-they worked for me on my last ferry ride, which was rough enough that people were throwing up. Good luck!
The seabands definitely work for me and I have horrible nausea from hormones, seasickness, motion sickness, you name it. You can certainly find them in the drug store, but I've found better ones at different stores. Pretty sure the ones that are really good are called PsiBands (think they are sold online).
You can also try sucking on hard candy or drinking weak tea. I also swear by Coke with the fizz stirred out.
Beautiful bump! Great that the anatomy scan went well. Don't have any words of wisdom for the motion sickness. Wishing you the best!
The sea bands totally worked for me and I just had crappy knock off ones from the drug store. The point where they need to go is three finger widths below the crease where your palm meets your wrist, and between the two tendons that run along the inside of your wrist. I definitely noticed a big difference if they slipped off the right spot.
Your bump is looking good!
Just checking in to see how it's going. Seabands do work, but only for some people.
Look after you, and all the sickness and other stuff won't matter at all later. It's a sign everything is working as it should be.
Yay for 17 weeks and positive results from the ultrasound (even though it was disappointing otherwise). I have no experience with motion sickness but I hope that the sea-bands work for you and it's a pleasant trip.
And you look cute you can totally see your baby bump
Very cute bump=)
Apple slices worked realllly well for me--dont know if thats for everyone, but worth a shot? Hope it eases!
holy man is your tummy still so small!! =) Mine is getting BIIIIG!!
And I am even a bit behind you...
I want to see your smiling face! =)
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