Sunday, April 26

14 weeks 1 day

We found the Alien's heartbeat with our fetal monitor! I tried on 4/22 and had no luck. Yesterday morning I woke up with some twinges and cramping (figure it to be just stretching)...I figured "Ok, I'm 14 weeks...maybe we'll find it" and I did...first shot! I couldn't get an accurate read on the heart rate, it was looking like anything from 155-175...which anywhere in there is good.

I seem to be getting some really bad headaches (borderline migraines). I've always gotten them and they've usually been hormone induced. I'm not sure if this is hormones or from pushing myself with working in the store at the end of the week. It just seems like every Sunday I end the day with a splitting headache that doesn't go away with sleep. I'm thinking I'm going to try only working a 1/2 day on Saturday. It couldn't hurt. Then I'll ask my doctor when we go.

I'm feeling all right. The nausea had picked up at the beginning of the week, but it seems to be getting a bit better. There are certainly things that set it off: Anything in which my belly is getting smooshed (squating, sitting "indian" style, bending over) or if I go a long period of time without eating. Tiredness isn't as much of an issue, I've always gone to bed at reasonable times; However, there were a couple of days last week that I sat out in my car at lunch time and fell asleep for 20 minutes.

I've still managed to "hide" my pregnancy at work....I'm sure people are getting suspicious, but no one has said anything. I figure the day after our next appt (5/11) that I'll bring cupcakes in with pink and blue icing on them...see if they figure it out. At that point I'd only be in the office another week before vacation and I'm sure after vacation I won't be able to hide it anymore: So two more weeks until the big unveiling.


SupersammyG said...

yeah for the heart beat. I wish we had one of those things. Glad you are feeling better. I also had some headaches and tylenol did help. Have a good week.

Kymberli said...

It sounds like everything is going along swimmingly! I'm so very happy for you!

Amanda said...

I'm glad everything is going well for you. I understand you hesitance to hold off with the announcement but I'm a little worried about the cupcakes being kinda over the top if there is a chance you're not the only fertility challenged person in the office. I know I would go into an emotional tail spin if a coworker showed up with pink and blue cupcakes.

~Jess said...

I know I am the only person in the office who is going through IF, as the rest of my coworkers men and are either grandparents or already have kids of their own that are in their teens.

Believe me, I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't know with absolute certaintity that it wouldn't hurt anyone.

As an IFer, I completely am sensitive as to whether anything I say or do, could be potentially hurtful to someone else.

Thanks for the thought though...

Kim H. said...

That is very exciting - listening to your baby's heart. I sure wish I worked with you - because I could use a cupcake about now... or may 12th would be okay too.

Serendipity said...

that must have been so exciting, being able to find the heartbeat straight away. Good luck telling your work.
