Today my nausea has picked up a bit...we drove to the nearest "city" (an hour 1 way) to do some shopping. We remembered why it's been 10 months since our last foray there: There is absolutely nothing in any of the stores...I don't know if it was just us, but Target, Old Navy, and Kohls...none of them had ANY maternity stuff. I think between the 3 stores they maybe had 10 racks of clothes...and it was all tiny sizes or huge sizes. I came home with 2 sundresses that my mom (she and my sister went too, but in a separate car) and a pair of jeans I found at old navy. I ended up ordering stuff online from kohls and Motherhood...they both had shipping promos going on.
In other pregnancy news: I've managed to lose 6lbs now and yet my clothes are getting tighter. I'm really not looking forward to work. The bella band is great, but none of my shirts are long enough to cover it so it looks really funny, and only 1 pair of my work pants actually can be worn with a bella band.
Pretty much we're out to everyone now. I still haven't told my coworkers...I'll probably wait until after our next OB appt (5/11). Of course, that's hoping I can keep this on the DL for 3 more weeks (being 16 weeks at that point). We'll see...
I have found that motherhood has some really great stuff (not too expensive. I am lucky as there is a destination maternity about 15 from home which sells motherhood and pea in the pod. My Mom found some good stuff at Kohls although the one near me has nothing. As for target I have found that they have nothing. For work pants I really like the gap maternity. I had to get them all hemmed though.
Very cute belly!! ;o)
My nausea lasted until about 14 or 16 weeks - I can't really remember for sure. So, hang in a little longer!
I got most of my maternity clothes on-line through Old Navy, GAP, and LOFT (which stopped selling it). Plus, I did eBay auctions! Got a lot of great stuff on there.
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