We ended up being about 15 minutes late, but I had called and told them about the accidents and roads, so they were fine with it. The whole ride up my stomach was in knots and I felt horrible (I'm sure it was nerves more than anything). We get in, get on the table and right away I could see the heartbeat. Very cool! I think I was expecting to have some hyper emotional moment, but I didn't. Matt and I just had dumb smiles on our face.
So the baby is measuring at 3mm and the heart rate was 109: The nurse was happy with everything and said that it all looked great! We go back next Thursday for another u/s then I think we get released to my OB/GYN. I was right about the due date: October 24th.
We went out and had a nice dinner at one of our favorite restaurants...1/2 way through I started to feel pretty crappy. After dinner we headed to Barnes and Nobles to get me Your Pregnancy Week by Week. I have What to Expect, but I don't like how it's only broken down by months.
We stopped at my parents house on the way home and told them the news: It was rather humorous. Matt went about doing a bunch of work related stuff, then went over to my dad and said "Here, you have a decision to make: Opa or Papa?" My dad was just like "What?" then He figured it out, went flying out of his seat, kicked the washbasket across the room, and gave me a huge hug.
By this point my mom had figured it out...she comes running over. Then my sister who was laying with her legs in my lap goes "WHAT?! You're PREGNANT?!" and gives me a HUGE hug. My sister's response was the best though, because she's not at all into babies or any of it, and just to have her that excited was pretty cool. My mom came running over and jumped in my lap and my dad started yelling at her to get off my lap. I told him that it's quite all right, the baby is only the size of a lentil. Of course there were the obligatory when are you due etc questions.
I don't have it on video, but I am glad that we told them. My mom has been really on my case about things to do with the store opening, and I haven't been up to scheduling work and everything, not knowing how I'm going to feel. I was completely waiting for them to be like "Oh, well this isn't very good timing"...but it was better than that :-)
We just got home a little while ago; I'm whooped and there's still groceries to put away. Here's a better quality u/s shot: The other I had taken a picture of the picture with my cellphone.

Oh, I think it's rather fitting that my 500th post was our first ultrasound picture: I completely didn't plan it that way :-) Thank you again to all of you for your comments, prayers and thoughts. *HUGS* to all of you.
It's wonderful that your 500th post is the first U/S. I'm so happy for both of you.
What great reactions! I'm so excited for you!!
Glad you mad it ok and that your family is so excited! We tried to be cute when telling our parents and they didn't get it. We finally had to say that we were pregnant to get them to understand (granted they didn't know we were trying or going to have kids but still). I can't wait to see the next u/s. I also don't like what to expect. Let me know how you like the new book!
Yay, I'm so glad everything went well, and I loved the reactions of your family. How fun.
Fantastic! I'm so glad your parents and sister were so excited. That's such a wonderful memory to have. Makes me excited to tell my parents hopefully next week!
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