Wednesday, March 18

First OB Appt

It was such a waste of time! I hate to say that, but it was true...they never even checked me out for anything! Not even a touching of my belly or any kind of exam.

My appt was at 9...they took me back at 9:10. They sat me in a room...and I waited for another 10 minutes for a nurse. She came in, asked me a bunch of random questions, about when was my last period, why was I taking clomid (all of which is in my chart).

She tells me when my big appts are (15-18wks, 20 wks, 28wks)...and that I'll have 1 ultrasound at 20 weeks and a few appts here and there, and that's it. I'm sure she's used to patients that know absolutely nothing, because a lot of it was repetition to me (explaining the glucose test). She then ships me out of the room to another part of the building to have blood work done.

I know this is probably just how things are done, but they're so much more impersonal than the RE :-( (which I knew would be the case). I go back on april 7th to meet with the doctor.

The other thing is they ask on the medical form any questions/concerns you may have....and if I didn't bring them up, I don't think she would have ever asked (my anxiety levels and "attacks"). I put it right out there that I'm very anxious about this pregnancy and would like as many U/S as possible, even if we're paying OOP for them. We'll see....she just said it's all up to the doctor.

It was a definite waste of 2 hours, that could've been done over the phone.

Otherwise, I'm doing all right. Definitely the nausea is picking up, still bearable, but definitely getting more frequent...especially at night, right around 9-9:30. Boobs are definitely sore. I'm almost always up and in bed by 9:15 or so. I'm just too tired to stay up much past that. I have a couple of nightly treks to the toilet.

The nurse asked me if I "Felt pregnant"...I just looked at her and said, "How does pregnant feel?" I know how I feel, but I don't know if it's pregnant feeling. Oy! I guess I have joined the ranks of "normal" pregnant people.


Kymberli said...

I personally think that if you'd like a more "hands-on" approach to your OB care, definitely take some time to shop around for OBs if you can. It's important to feel comfortable with the care you receive, and if you're already getting bad vibes, it's probably worth it to meet with another OB.

On the upside, I'm glad that today was a "boring" appointment vs. a worrisome one and even happier to hear that the symptoms are picking up!

sadie607 said...

i find pretty much all of my OB appointments to be a waste of time. They don't ever do much of anything. Hopefully you'll like your doctor. (I like the new page)

carrie said...

I agree with Kymberli. Shop around if you want more attention. I adore my OB... he gave me *three* ultrasounds throughout my first trimester because he knew I needed the reassurance. I've only had one appointment that I felt like was kind of a waste of time - weight, measured my belly, confirmed the 20w Level II u/s was "normal," which I'd already learned at said ultrasound - but that was towards the end of my second trimester and we knew things were going well at that point.

Then again, I did find out after going to him that he also does deal with infertility isssues so he "gets it" more than a normal doctor would. Definitely a plus to have in an OB after you've been through IF.

Jendeis said...

Nothing new to add to the wonderful comments made by everyone else.

Just wanted to say that I love the new design. So spring and cheerful!

SupersammyG said...

My first appointment was really boring too. Though I did like the nurse and she didn't bat an eye with 2 lesbians having a baby and with the donor stuff. But this may be due to our location just outside of Boston more than anything else. You might want to shop around but I think that was fairly normal for a 1st appointment. See how you feel about the Dr at the the next visit. I kind of like boing appointments it means all is well. Glad to hear you are doing well. I hope the m/s does not get too bad.

melissa said...

I hate it when they ask all the medical history questions that are right there in the chart! Last time I was at the doc I was so tired i just snapped out at the nurse, "isn't that in my chart?" and she was really surprised and kind of mumbled a yes and went on. I felt bad afterward, but for real it is in the Chart!

Boring appointments are annoying but Everything is still going well so that is great!
