Thursday, September 25

A Mish-Mash of Everything

I feel like I haven't posted in forever, or at least not something of substance. Today you're going to get posts, whether you like them or not! Bare with me as these are going to be some really random topics.

We got two more eggs today. So that makes 4 eggs in 3 days: Not too shabby. On average that would mean about 8-10 eggs a week, and this is going into the fall. The shorter the days are the less eggs a chicken lays: During the winter chickens need to conserve energy (if they were in the wild) and the shorter days and cooler nights signal their bodies to stop producing a large number of eggs. Also, the chances of a chick surviving in the middle of winter is pretty slim.

Being that our chickens are "domesticated" and don't have to worry about survival we can trick their bodies by install a light on a timer so they have more hours of "daylight". I don't know if we're going to do this yet, because quite honestly we don't need a dozen eggs a week for ourselves. If I was to use them for baking as well as eating, then we would.


Our apples arrived the other day: YAY! They're so yummy and none of them were bruised! I was really impressed with how they arrived. I'm definitely going to be doing some baking this weekend. Matt and I have dying for some Dutch apple pie....yum!!!


Thank you to JJ at Reproductive Jeans for her kind note and the Glücks-Schwein. Being German myself I loved getting a good luck pig in the mail. Thank you!


I don't get into political discussions very often, because I'm not someone who keeps abreast of all that is going on and I am not armed with a battery of facts to match someone else in political debate. I try my darnedest to keep on top of the news, but there are so many conflicting reports and numerous sources of information. It's hard to know what to believe and what to read.

All I know is what I believe and how I feel about things. I know that I'm definitely the anti-thesis to most people my age in my political opinions and views. So, now that you've all been warned...I'm getting political on ya'.

On a side note, since it's not clear in my preface or my letter (as Cappyprincess mentioned)...I am aware that the "bail-out" is not "free" money, but a loan, that is intended to be paid back. However, I can't help but feel that this loan will adversely affect the American tax payers.

I started writing a letter to my elected officials to express my feelings about the government rescuing those involved in the mortgage crisis. This is what happened:

I want to express my outrage at the government's $700 billion dollar bail-out of those who lived outside of their means through outrageous mortgages and loans, and those who invested money that had no collateral.

It is not the responsibility of the average American person, who is a hardworking individual, living within their means and already just scrapping by, to bail out people who have had no financial responsibility for themselves. It is not our responsibility to shoulder the increase in taxes, which is inevitable, to fund this $700 billion.

Yes, I understand the concern of a depression, but this bail-out is only delaying the inevitable. Whether in two years or twenty a depression is the only way our economy will right itself. This once great country is now under the dominion of the greedy who are bleeding her dry without a thought to anyone but their own financial gain.

I say let a depression occur: The American people need a wake up call. The people who have lived within their means and haven't relied on credit cards, loans, and mortgages will survive; the people who haven't done so should be left to their own devices, and perhaps along the way will learn something about financial responsibility.

Increases in taxes will hurt the working American, which is the majority of people in this country. The economy will slow even more because people won't see an increase in their paycheck, because their employers have to pay even more in taxes. As taxes go up so does the cost of living, of buying food, clothes, and other necessities, things which people will be forced to limit and/or go without.

Our Country has become something that our forefathers detested, something that they gave their lives for to break away from…a tyrant. Our government no longer represents the people: It represents money, whether it's big business, banks, or mortgage companies.

Our government no longer follows the will of the people; it follows the will of those who line their pockets. The few government officials who truly seek to better our once great country are silenced by those who have funding. It is sad that in this country, where once a lawyer in a small town in Illinois could become president, that now only those who live their life in comfort and luxury, can AFFORD to run for president.

We are no long a country that is "For the people, by the people, and of the people"; we are a country that is "For the greedy, by the politicians, and of the money".


CappyPrincess said...

I think I've been reading too many IVF blogs today because my first thought when I was reading about the eggs was... huh? They didn't get them all at once. Duh me!

The apples look absolutely delightful - hopefully they taste as good as they look.

And bravo for the letter - I'm tired of big companies getting bailed out on the backs of the tax payers. Just one thing though - a large part of the "bail out" (for AIG anyway) is in the form of LOAN, not gift. Still not sure it's the right thing to do, but at least it isn't a total tax payer burden.

Jendeis said...

What a well-written, thought-provoking letter. I wish more Americans would take the step that you have done to express their thoughts to their leaders.

Incidentally, you and I probably don't agree on most political issues. I must, however, say this: I appreciate whenever someone puts time and thought into our political process, no matter what party.

annacyclopedia said...

I'm guessing you and I have different political views, too, but I have to say I agree completely with what you said in your letter. It horrifies me to think about what this would mean for you and all other Americans I've grown so fond of here on the blogs. And you are absolutely right that people need a wakeup call from the greed and excess that have become the norm - that goes for folks up here in Canada, too. There is such a sense of entitlement among people today - everyone thinks they deserve the absolute best in everything.

Sigh. Well, I can't change all that by ranting here, but I really liked your letter.
