Wednesday, June 11

“A friend is one with whom you are comfortable, to whom you are loyal, through whom you are blessed, and for whom you are grateful.” Wm. Ward

In spite of all the fears I have regarding our infertility, there is very little that I would change. Our infertility has brought me into a new world: A world in which women love and support each other, are there for each other in times of hardship and during their joys. Without our infertility I would not be aware of all of these wonderful, strong women.

In our lives we more often see the cruelty of women: The Queen-Bees and Wanna-Bees. We are subject to cliques and catty comments, cruelty and insensitivity. We have all, at some time or another, been subjected to this. We have all, at some time or another, subjected others to this at our own hands.

In the infertility world, we are all the same, denied the one thing that should be a guarantee for all who desire it: It is our common denominator. We are all treated the same, especially in society: sometimes as lepers, as desperate, as inferiors, or any number of other ways.

I am glad to know this amazing group of women. Women who are the things all women should aspire to. It is for this reason that I want to shout-out that I am an infertile. To let the world now about this unfortunate silent-sorority that provides some of the greatest blessings to its members.

Thank you to all of you, for all the support and love you give to each of us. It is because of each other that we are able to get through our struggles with infertility.


Manda said...

I couldn't have said that better. We may be childless, but we've got beautiful friends coming out our ears!

SAHW said...

What a great post! You're very right...without IF, this feeling of unity and we're in it together wouldn't exist at all! And through blogging, I feel like I've connected with people who I would never have met on my own. Thanks for the great reminder. :)

Naomi said...

i check out this site every sunday where people send in these postcard secrets. and every week, there's at least one secret that could've been mine. i'm sure the person that sent it in thought they were the only one that felt how they were feeling, yet, low and behold, hundreds, maybe thousands of people feel the same way. it's like this blogging community. people from all over the world, supporting eachother...people they don't know, and maybe wouldn't even be friends with if they met in real life. yet here, we're all family. i wonder what people did before the internet lol.
