Monday, June 16

"A day's work is a day's work, neither more nor less, and the man who does it needs a day's sustenance, a night's repose and due leisure, ...

...whether he be painter or ploughman." George Bernard Shaw

What a whirlwind! I honestly don't remember much from this weekend. I know that Matt got home around 8pm on Friday, then Saturday he went up to my parents' in the morning to help finish their chicken coop. I putzed around Friday night, got up Saturday and went to the quilt shop in town.

Matt and I then got into a "huge debate" about my fabric addiction and his brewing fascination: Which of us spends more money on our hobby. Rather humorous. Matt even went on to point out that he paid for his supplies out of his cash, while I pay for mine out of the credit card account. I kindly reminded him that I have no cash, since my whole paycheck pays the bills: He conceded to that. We live on one income by choice, since mine is the more secure that one pays the bills.

Then we headed to the performing arts center for my sister's production of "Sleepy Hollow": Let's just say I was glad it was only 53 minutes. It was completely different from any other show I have ever seen; very artsy (heavy metal and Ichabod Crane?).

Saturday evening we cleaned! We started when we got home at 6:00pm and didn't step until 10:15pm: It was wonderful! I took the slipcovers off the couch and washed them, mopped the floors, dusted, organized, laundry, the kitchen counters were empty and clean! I love when the house looks like this. We'll see how long it lasts.

Sunday we went to church.

We did name the chickens though: The two barred rocks are Thelma and Louise (the darker one is Thelma) and the three reds are Charlie's Angels.

We went up to Matt's parents for lunch on Sunday for Father's Day. Then in the evening we had my parents and grandfather over for dinner. It was good. My grandfather was getting a kick out of the chickens.

After they left Matt mowed the backyard and I worked in the garden: Weeding! It looks a lot better now. I do notice that I have quite a bit more room for some things. Oh well. There's always next year. My watermelon isn't looking too good. Not that I expected much of it. My sunflowers are shooting up though.

They finally mowed the field behind our house: Yay! So now I can take the dogs for a walk without drowning in the hay (it was quite seriously up to my shoulders).

I took them down last night to run for a bit. They were loving it. Sage was kicking up birds and animals and chasing them: Nothing serious. Then I see her kick up a bird (not sure what kind-but the body was the size of my fist)...I'm about 20' away, I figure it'll fly does, but Sage jumped in the air, grabbed it with her front paws and GULP! down it went. I ran to her and tried to make her spit it out, but nope, down it went...wings, bones, feet and beak. YUCK! She's on probation now: No kisses for her!

For counting I don't remember much of what happened this weekend, this turned out to be an awfully long post. If you made this far, thanks! I certainly appreciate it. All in all it was a good weekend: Productive, relaxing, with a bit of fun thrown in.


SAHW said...

Glad you had a nice weekend! And I love your chickens' names!! Too cute! :)

Kim said...

Sounds like you had a nice weekend. I wouldn't kiss the puppy for a while either - yuck! nclm

Lavender Luz said...

That looks like a fabulous garden. You have a really nice space.
