Thursday, May 22

And so it begins....(Part 3)

Part 3
3) Do you realize how much of what we pay for a gallon of gas is taxes?

Our forefathers revolted over taxes of a few pennies, on only a few items, and the taxes only affected a small portion of the population. And thus begun the rumblings of the American Revolution (yes, I’m over simplifying). People write whole books on this subject.

Today we pay taxes on EVERYTHING! Sometimes we pay taxes several times over: for example, we pay income tax, and then every time we buy something (with the money we've already paid taxes on) we pay tax again.

We are represented in our government (big point of the Revolution); we are represented by people who have the large corporations lining their pockets: People who have no idea what “reality” is because they have expense accounts: People who don’t know what it’s like to look at their kids and wonder if they’ll have to fore-go new sneakers because they have to heat the house. Essentially…the elite.

This is where it gets sad: There will NEVER be another revolution in our country, and we are desperately in need of one. We have too many social programs, too many people who are living off the system, too many taxes. The American people have grown FAT with GREED, LAZY, and COMPLACENT! The majority think that everything should be handed to them, that they shouldn’t have to work for what they want. The majority are so obsessed with the celebrity culture (I do read US and People) that they are oblivious to the things happening in this country. And what’s sad is they don’t care.

Next February there is a federal “coupon” going out to help people afford to upgrade their televisions to digital, so that they can continue receiving television. Why is our government FUNDING a television upgrade?! Where does it say Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Prime-time?!

Our media is biased, bought off by different groups of people. The news we receive is filtered or we don’t receive it at all. Britney’s frolic on the beach at Mel Gibson’s is considered headline, breaking news!

None of these problems are a recent development; we can look back to FDR, the “Roaring Twenties” and the Depression for the beginning of these problems. FDR created federal programs to help the struggling Americans get back on their feet. Seventy years later we have even more of those programs and there is not one that is not abused by someone.

Why should someone get a job if the government is going to pay for their food and shelter? Heck, why should someone be an American citizen even when the government is willing to cut them a check. The abuses in this country of the welfare system are disgusting. Thirty years ago people thought it was a disgrace to go on welfare. Now people try to think of ways they can take advantage of the system.

I’m all for helping someone when they’re down, that’s part of what makes America great, helping one another. But when someone refuses to better themselves because they’re getting it for nothing, it’s time to cut them off: “You gotta get off your ass, to get back on your feet” (bumper sticker I saw). Seventy years ago people started getting things handed to them for nothing; many appreciated it and paid it back. I digress (the welfare system could be a whole ‘nother topic).

Since its inception welfare has gone down hill. We’re now a society that thinks that everything should be handed to us. We’re all about ME! No one cares about anyone else, it’s all “what can you do for me?”. These masses don’t care what happens to this once great country. They don’t care that our jobs are being outsourced and that immigration is out of control and bleeding our coiffers. The people who are taking advantage of our country, of the hard-working, average American, are not going to bite the hand that feeds them.

Very few people are thinking about how our economy, our dollar, and social security are going downhill. Those who are thinking about these things and calling the US Government out on them are considered extremists and fanatics, and are being ignored by the general populous.

We've allowed our government to become so powerful, that the power doesn't rest with the people anymore. The power rests with a few. The ones who control the strings. It's all just one big puppet show. Vote? Why? They've already decided on the next president. The electoral college is politicians: Do we honestly believe that they'll rule with the popular vote? They'll rule with who is lining the pockets.

Even if a vast majority of the population wanted to revolt we couldn’t. The government would quickly squash any attempts of rebellion: The military isn’t what it was 232 years ago.
Before the first assembly could happen we'd be buried under bureaucracy. We would be told we had to file for permits and pay a fee, name the intentions of our business etc etc. Or, no one would show, because they figure someone else will go, and reruns of "Grey's Anatomy" are on.

The first people to rebel will be the truckers and the small business owners. The first step toward a successful revolution is a trucker strike. It would be amazing to see how quickly things change when the trucks stop moving and the grocery store shelves are bare. For the sake of all of us, and our wallets, it is what needs to happen.

We need to bring the government to its knees and fix all of these problems and programs. Our government has done an excellent job of keeping us oblivious, while they go about doing whatever it is they want to do. It has become exactly that which Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Patrick Henry, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams all fought against. And WE THE PEOPLE allowed it.

We just keep following blindly along, “just don’t take away my TV and I’m happy”. It’s sick! It's sad, because this country is on the way down the crapper and we desperately need a change.

1 comment:

Leah said...

You have encompassed every thought that has been fleeting through my mind.
