Tuesday, March 4

A lifetime of happiness! No man alive could bear it: it would be hell on earth. ~ George Bernard Shaw

What a day! I certainly could stand for a little happiness! I don't think it would kill me :-)

Called our RE this afternoon: My file says it is "Recommended that I have an HSG and cd3 bloodwork". Umm, thanks..No one told me. Tomorrow Matt has his appointment with the urologist. After that I plan on calling the only OB-GYN in our area and scheduling myself for a PAP and to make sure they can do out-patient U/S and bloodwork. Being that our RE is two hours away they recommend I want to know that my OB-GYN is capable of doing some of the things needed (especially if we can go ahead with IVF).

Once I know what Matt's appt says, I'll call our RE and schedule myself for the HSG: CD1 should be Thursday or Friday, and HSG the end of next week or the beginning of the following. I'm already dreading all the time off from work and having to explain it to my boss and give excuses to co-workers.

My boss probably won't give me a hard time and I'd like to think she'll be understanding, but like I said...I work in a nut-house. I know I have 2 weeks vacation and 4 personal days for the year. We're not really planning on taking any vacations this year, so it may just be taking a day here and there.

I feel way behind with our treatment of our IF. I know a lot of it was delayed because of Matt's back, but still....there are couples on the Nest who have been TTC for a shorter time and they've already had the whole gammut of testing and have already started IUIs/IVFs etc. Here we are at 2 years and nothing more than a couple of tests and no idea where we're going from here. We've been at this for so long (and still a long ways to go till July before we continue), and I feel that we should be further along than we are. That we must be doing something wrong to not have the prospects of a baby yet.

1 comment:

sadie607 said...

I"m so glad you called and checked with your RE and got things going with blood work and the HSG. And I know exactly how you feel about being behind. Sometimes I feel stupid that I didn't go see a doctor sooner. In some ways I'm mad at myself for not being proactive sooner. Oh well, let me know how the appointment goes tomorrow. Good luck.
