Thursday, February 21

Trying to keep positive...

I think I'm failing quite miserably at it today. Just too many variables and things I don't understand and know, going on. Matt's back surgery was on Tuesday and everything went beautifully. It was all just as the doctor had said it would be. Matt was doing so well that when he asked if he could go home that afternoon they let him.

Yesterday was a struggle to get him just to relax and rest. He kept going around doing things: Things that were more than he should have been doing. In the afternoon I convinced him that we should take a nap, and he did for a little while.

Last night we went to bed around 11. I was ready to fall right to sleep, but Matt kept tossing about. Finally at 11:30 he informed me that he couldn't sleep. I asked why and he said that he kept thinking. After further interrogation...he's worried about NEXT YEAR! I didn't push any further than that, but I know that he's already thinking and worrying about what happens after he's recovered (prayfully...completely): What will he do for a job?

He knows he really can't go back to working for my parents, but I know he really doesn't think he'll be happy doing insurance (option currently on the plate: His dad is an insurance agent). Honestly, I don't think he'll be happy doing insurance. He's never liked sitting at a desk and pushing paper. Don't get me wrong...He's VERY smart and always pulled straight A's, but he doesn't like that kind of work. He really enjoyed his working for my parents. I worry too about what he's going to do, but there is no point in worrying about it yet.

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