much figured out myself, I do have an anterior placenta…which explains why I am feeling nowhere the amount of movement I should or have in the past. It’s a low lying placenta, so it will have to be watched. I’m sure I’ll end up having another U/S just before my due date to make sure there is no placental previa {pray that it stays out of the way: I do NOT want a c-section.}
We didn’t find out the gender, which was practically killing me during the whole thing. I behaved though and didn’t sneak any peaks or anything. Of course, that doesn’t prevent me from playing with online gender predictors, which we all know have a 50-50 chance of being right ;-) Both a Chinese one and one they base off of heart rate said boy…we’ll find out in 5 months!
Hard to believe that in just 5 months this little one will be here: It’s not that long.
For the 20 week stats:
I’m holding steady, weight-wise, right around 187lbs or so. No real cravings. No aversions. A little bit of heartburn when I eat spicy stuff. Things are starting to stretch and grow a bit, which at this point I was starting to wonder if it ever would. I figure in the next few weeks my tummy will start rounding out.
Finding a heartbeat and feeling movement are still a bit limited, but understandable with the anterior placenta. It’s getting a bit easier to find and feel over the past week or so.
I did get my maternity clothes back and realized that the nicest clothes I own are in fact maternity clothes {my mom was impressed, as she keeps threatening to burn most of my regular clothes}. I have a couple of nice tunic dresses, nice jeans and cords, skirts, and several cute tops! Most of my regular t-shirts are getting a bit short in the front now. I always love wearing my maternity clothes…they’re attractive and comfy and always flattering ;-)
I think that’s about all the news going on for now. I’m not planning on doing weekly posts, but I will definitely update again at 25, 30 and 35 weeks.
Avelyn at 20 Weeks and the Triplets at 20 Weeks
*Pardon my photographer, she’s a bit shorter than me and I had her stand on a chair.
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