Tuesday, January 1

"How I Lost a 100 lbs" {A Review}

300x250If only it were me who actually lost a 100lbs, or even half of that. Jessica from MutheringHeights.com recently released her first e-book, 100 Pound Loser, in which she discusses her own fight with being overweight and what she did to overcome, despite 4 kids and fibromyalgia.

While I didn’t learn anything new, it was nice to read the perspective of someone who has been there, and what worked for them. Testimonials of other’s always help me more than just a To-Do-List of Weight loss. Also, in its favor was how quick it was to read….I think I finished it in less than an hour.

If you are looking to lose some serious pounds and thinking, “How the heck am I going to do this?” Pick up Jessica’s e-book, 100 Pound Loser. Her humor and candid discussion of her weight issues, is sure to entertain and inspire you to action!

It’s available at Amazon.com or HERE as a PDF.

I did receive a copy of 100 Pound Loser for free, for the sole purpose of reviewing….however the opinions and thoughts are my own.

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