I've tried it again and it is just not working. I think the lye soap that I'm using isn't working: I believe the issue is that it isn't a hard soap. Most processed soap (Dove, Ivory etc) is extremely hard and it takes quite a bit for it to dissolve in water, the Lye soap is softer and dissolves pretty quickly. That's what I'm guessing the issue is.
This is what my jug from yesterday looked like this morning. It's separated and there were thick clumps of soap at the top, and then just funky water below. I shook it up and did a load of wash and I don't think it did anything.

Then I decided to try it again. I read some other stuff online; all have the same ingredients, the same basic idea, some had you boil the water first, then add your bar soap. I decided to try that. Boiled the water, added my soap, let it dissolve, add the rest in. It looks just like it should while it's cooking, but once it starts to cool it gets a film on top and has brown-ish water underneath.
For right now, I've given up. I guess I need to try it with a different bar soap, as that is the only difference. I was really hoping to use a natural soap though, so there would be nothing questionable in it. I have a few bars of Irish Spring lying around (we never use it), which I guess I could try that.
In the mean time....I'm now
questing for a powder detergent recipe. I found one that was a cup each Bora.x and Washing Soda, and a bar of soap shaved. Maybe.
That is always the problem with new projects. . .the possibility that it will utterly fail. Better luck with the next recipe!
I make the 1st recipe here: http://tipnut.com/10-homemade-laundry-soap-detergent-recipes/
I've made it with ivory soap (which is pretty soft imo) because I can usually get it for free with a coupon. It does separate out quite a bit. We make it in a big bucket and wait for it cool down. Then mix it up well and pour it into old laundry detergent jugs. It separates out again in the jugs be we just shake it up before pouring. It's gloopy and makes little messy flakes when it dries, but it does seem to work ok. We have a front loader and it's a little gloopy for the detergent dispenser, but we make it work.
I suspect the brown water is due to your soap choice or your soap reacting with your water.
I also tried homemade dishwasher detergent and that was a total fail. I pretty sure it didn't do anything.
It you want to use "crunchier" soap I'd recommend finding some pure castille soap.
VOMIT. that's all I can think of when I look at it. :)
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