Tuesday, March 22

Sunday! Sunday!

We were all over on Sunday: Church in the morning, my parents' in the afternoon, and Matt's parents' in the evening. It was such a beautiful Spring day, that you couldn't help but take advantage of its glorious-ness!

We went for a walk and splashed in the mud (nothing like wearing pink with camo)!

We laughed and giggled with Auntie Meggers and Daddy!

Then Mommy, Daddy and Auntie Meggers went outside for some target practice :-)


Crossing My Fingers said...

Do you hunt with your hubs? Sounds like a fun Sunday.

~Jess said...

Nope I don't....we were just doing some target practice. I used to go with my dad when I was a kid, but staying warm became a bit more important than sitting out there....that and the whole actually killing something thing :-P
