Friday, July 23

My Birthday

(Post dated to July 21)

The other day was my birthday: I turned 28. Birthdays have a way of making assess our lives and our accomplishments. Matt and I were married at 22 and 23 (respectively)...we had every intention of being done with growing our family by the time I was 30. The reality: I'm 28 and we have 1...we figured we'd already have 2 and be pregnant with, or TTC-ing, the 3rd. Believe me I realize that we've still been luckier than most.

Anyways, my birthday was uneventful. In the morning A and I went to her swimming lesson and had fun. My mom is "off" on Wednesdays, so she came over around 3 and helped me get the house picked up and dinner started for the party. We had my parents, sister and boyfriend, the In-laws, and the grand In laws all over for dinner.

My mom and MIL did all the cooking: We had pulled pork, mac n cheese, salad, cole slaw, and I made hush puppies. Followed by ice cream cake for dessert. It was yummy! (I'm actually still eating leftovers right now).

There weren't any exciting gifts...I had pretty much just asked everyone to chip in on my camera when they asked what I wanted. Ave did get my some coloring books and crayola colored pencils, and Matt's grandma gave me a teddy bear made out of black Persian Lamb skin (she's an award winning teddy bear maker).

Here's pictures.


stink-bomb said...

Happy Birthday!!

Even though it was uneventful, I still hope it was a fabulous day.

I get the "life not being where you'd thought it would be".

I turned 31 last month, I got married at 21 and I thought we'd have at least 1 possibly 2 children by now. We've been ttc for 11 years and have had 8 miscarriages. I'm still in denial that life doesn't turn out like you expected it would.


Amanda said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

lowfatlady said...

Happy birthday! All the food at your party sounds so yummy. I think that is awesome you made hush puppies. I haven't had them in years.

Sarah S said...

Happy Birthday!!!

That sounds like a very yummy meal!!!

Happy ICLW!!

VA Blondie said...

Happy Birthday!

Life does have a way if throwing you curveballs.

Patience said...

Happy Birthday! It's funny how we have plans about where we will be at each birthday. I just turned the dreaded 35 after TTC for a decade. Thought I would be done with our family by now, too. That's life, I guess! :) I hope this is a wonderful year ahead!

Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

Glad you had a good birthday!

raisingmiles said...

Fun times!

Happy belated birthday!

JJ said...

Sorry my wishes are belated! Hope you had a FANTASTIC time celebrating!

I eat hush puppies with sugar--Mook thinks Im crazy :)
