Monday, January 11

10 weeks

Yesterday A was 10 are we already in the double digits. I actually got really sad thinking that this is the last time she'll hit double digits for anything until she's 10 years old...then I realized...DUH! 10 months :-) and that made me feel better.

Three different things this week:

MIL bought a bumbo thingy (it's a knock off) for A...and she LOVES it! We set her in it for a few minutes at the store and she just loves looking around at everything. She's actually getting to the point now that she doesn't like laying down, because she wants to see what's going on. The only thing she doesn't like about it is the having to bend at the waist thing...doesn't like that.

She's become fascinated with staring at her hands...she just looks at them all intent and cross-eyed...too funny.

Sleep...not only are we back on our old sleep schedule (down at 10pm, up at 3:30, then down 4:00-7am)...but she did one better last night. Down at 8:30pm and out until 5:00am. HOLY MOLY! She's also slept the past 2 nights in her room (with a heater)...she's in the bassinet, but she's sleeping in a different room from us. It's hard..I don't like it, but I know she's sleeping better because it's warmer in there. Eventually we'll have to move her to the crib, but for right now...I think it's too big for her and she feels lost in it.

I think that's all for 10 weeks :-(

(psst...this is my new favorite picture of A...she's looking so grown up)


Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

she is so adorable!!! Can't believe she's 10 weeks already!

Becky said...

so many people have told me cloth diapered babies have a hard time bending at the waist. So when i put mine on Nick (we use smarti pants-pocket diapers) we faster the 2nd side once he's sitting up, makes a huge difference.

The Wife said...

She is just the cutest! 10 weeks - wow!

Jendeis said...

That's just what I thought when I saw the picture. I can't believe she's so grown up already!

P.S. Wishing you luck and strength in your meeting today.

Somewhat Ordinary said...

Wow, she looks so grown-up in that photo. What a beauty!!

Rotten said...

She is so cute and it sounds like you guys are doing great!!!

sadie607 said...

She' so adorable I love all her hair (and Emerson has that same outfit).

LJ said...

Wow! So big!!!
