Thursday, July 16

Life is a great option, albeit the only alternative is death.

Once again I've been rather remiss in my crafting; it's not that I haven't wanted to do anything...I seriously just have not had time. I have been plodding along at the Christmas stocking, but still haven't made that much headway with it: I definitely can get a quilt done faster than can a tiny little Christmas stocking. Here's what I've got done so far, I'm probably about a 1/3 of the way done, once all of the intricate stuff is done it shouldn't take me too long to finish:

I haven't sewn anything since SIL's baby quilt...that was 2 months ago! I think I'm going to try a new block: I've always liked the look of houses and I have a Block of the Month (BOM) for a Christmas quilt, but it's so detailed it scares me. This block is a lot simpler and I think maybe a good starting place, plus I could always frame it and hang it up too.

Last night was rather an "exciting" night at the White House: Matt cut his hand on Tuesday, ended up going to the Walk-In Care at our doctor's office. They bandaged him up, gave him a prescription for antibiotics, and a tetanus shot, and sent him on his merry way. I helped him re-wrap his thumb yesterday morning and it didn't look too bad.

Last night Matt got home around 7:30 and was complaining about a headache (he NEVER gets headaches), so he took some ibuprofen. About 45 minutes later he starts with cold-sweats and mild body shakes. Now it's 8:30 and we're wondering what's going on. He's been on the antibiotics, there's no sign of infection (red streaking up the arm), his thumb is not tender or anything else. We call the doctor's office, they call back and basically tell him to come in in the morning. Long story short: I sent Matt to bed, covered him in lots of blankets, and he woke up this morning fine.

My "professional" analysis of the situation: He had a reaction to the tetanus shot. None of what he was feeling was listed as side effects for the antibiotic, there was no sign of infection. I googled side effects of tetanus shot and BAM! there it is cold sweats and mild body shakes.

He's fine now, tired and a bit sore from shaking and the shot, but he'll live...and he didn't go back to the doctor this morning...nothing they can do anyways. I asked Matt if he was ready for the excitement of this with a crying baby who can't tell us what's wrong :-)


Melissa G said...

You should sell you quilts on Etsy. They are AMAZING!

Glad to hear Matt is doing better. Tetanus shots can be rough!

Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

Glad he's feeling better.

The stocking is adorable! Good luck with the quilt square. I knit, but I haven't tried quilting yet. The hubby says I have too many craft hobbies already. = ) He's probably right!
