Tuesday, May 5

(I removed the title, because I decided that I didn't particularly like that quote as an IF'er)

Weird things have been going on; I think I actually felt the baby last night. Right down near where I find the heartbeat...I was laying in bed and kept feeling these very, very light flutters and burblings. If I wasn't actually paying attention to them I probably wouldn't even have noticed.

I think this kid is sitting right on my urethra....I can feel like my bladder is going to explode, get to the bathroom and just a trickle. It's driving me batty! The other thing is that I keep getting sharp twinges front and center, just above my pu.bic bone, right around where I find the heartbeat. I kind of figure it just to be kid moving around, stretching and pushing on things, but I plan on asking next week.

A couple of people were asking about our list of "Necessary Items". I will say we already have our furniture, so I'll leave you with the rest of that:
Car Seat
diapers (we're cloth diapering)
Stroller (but we're waiting until next spring)
bassinet/co sleeper
Moby (sling/wrap) (thanks Julia, I completely forgot about that since it's already on our registry lol)

This seriously all we have on our list...I was talking to my mom (she's of my mind...simplistic) and she was saying I'm going to have to put a few more things on a registry lol Yea, I will.

If you're a mom or a dad and you can think of a necessity that I don't have listed....please, please, please tell me :-)


annacyclopedia said...

Girl, we have so much in common! We're waiting until next spring for a stroller, too, and although my essentials list is a bit different from yours, we are keeping the purchases to a bare minimum as well.

I think I'm a ways away from feeling any flutters, but I keep asking the dog if he can hear the baby when he lays his head on my belly!

Anonymous said...

Can I suggest a sling or baby carrier of some kind? Some babies nap happily in their bassinets or cribs, but some take a while to learn how to sleep without hearing mama's heartbeat or feeling her body warmth. It's great to have a sling in the first few months; allows a mother to get a lot more done, that's for sure. (Also, if you're putting off getting a stroller for a while, a sling becomes even more useful to have on hand.)


~Jess said...

Completely forgot about that....added it now :-) Thanks Julia!
