Sunday, April 5

11 weeks 1 day

One more week and I get to stop my progesterone! You have no idea (well you probably do) how excited that makes me.

We have our next OB appt on Tuesday, hopefully that goes smoothly. I was talking to a friend of mine (N, who just had her baby a couple of months ago) about her doctor (she goes to the same OB/GYN as me)...she said that they'll probably definitely do at least a heart beat check. They better! or I'm going to be a bit upset.

We told my brother and his wife on Thursday, as well as my aunt and uncle yesterday. My SIL is excited to be an "auntie", my brother...who knows...I don't think he's even said congratulations to Matt and beyond formalities with me...nothing else. Whatever.

It's weird being out; I don't think I particularly like it. The more people who know and congratulate makes me nervous. It's funny because everyone is so excited and yet Matt and I are still not believing it and not letting ourselves become excited. That and I don't want to share this with's US and OURS, telling feels like cheapening it and making it available to the general public.

I'm sure people are probably wondering if we're not happy about it. Every once in a while, depending on who it is, I validate that it took us three years, that last year with the doctor, to get pregnant and we're still not believing it. Some people get it and other people just don't (like my massage therapist-who is a very sweet woman).

In other news...I notice that if I'm not in bed by 10pm, my nausea really kicks in and I feel worse. We've had a lot of late nights this past week, what with the store and my sister's show, so there have been a lot of nights of sitting in bed with crackers and ginger ale. My energy does seem better, but I think I've just been going balls-to-the-wall this week with the store...waiting for me to crash. I slept last night for 10 hours and never woke up once.

Here's an updated belly shot slideshow.


chicklet said...

I'm in a similar place of not quite believing it or not quite wanting to be too excited, except in moments. I'm driving my mother crazy but I'm very possessive of keeping this a secret for now - it's OUR news, and it's so early, there's very few people I want to share it with because one, they don't get what we went through to get here, and two, what if we have to UN-tell. I feel like maybe I'm not excited enough, just rolling with it too much, but I can't help it. I know too much now...

Sorry, all about me, I just really related to what you were saying:-)

Kristin said...

After all my losses, I didn't even tell my parents about our (finally) successful pregnancy until we were 15+ weeks along.

For the nausea, peppermints (specifically the starlight ones) worked wonders for my pregnancy nausea.

one-hit_wonder said...

I relate to your reluctance to share your news. With my one pregnancy (which ended in m/c), I had no intention of telling anyone in real life until after the babies arrived. It felt like a secret between dh and me, for one thing, and I was too scared of jinxing it all by telling anyone. If I ever do get pg again, I know I will do the same thing. Seven years of infertility has done things to my head! So I understand: it really is YOUR news. I wish you the best.

PFM said...

I totally get it. If i ever become pregnant I don't think I will tell anyone but close family until it is absolutely obvious that I am pregnant- that or getting fat.
