Saturday, October 18

"In the depths of every heart, there is a tomb and a dungeon, though the lights, the music, and revelry above may cause us to forget their existence, and the buried ones, or prisoners whom they hide. But sometimes, and oftenest at midnight, those dark receptacles are flung wide open. In an hour like this, when the mind has a passive sensibility, but no active strength; when the imagination is a mirror, imparting vividness to all ideas, without the power of selecting or controlling them; then pray that your griefs may slumber, and the brotherhood of remorse not break their chain. - Nathaniel Hawthorne

We're on our way to NH to visit Matt's brother and his wife in their new house. This afternoon we're making a trip to Salem, of witch hunts and all things dark. I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures to share with you.

Have a good weekend!


Jendeis said...

It looks beautiful! Have a wonderful time in New England!

sadie607 said...

Fun, Marcus and I have been wanting to make a trip to Salem.

Jill said...

Hope you have a great trip! Salem sounds neat.

anna said...

You've been in such a Halloween prep. mode :o)
Happy Halloween--when it comes.

