Tuesday, May 20


$8,300.00: Just think about that number, revel in all that you could do with that.

That was the estimate to fence in our yard: $6300 for supplies and $2000 for labor. What a joke! Matt called me at work and told me that number, I just started laughing. Needless to say, we're going to build the fence ourselves. We can get the same lumber for 1/2 the price (approx $2800) and the labor will be free! I can do with $3000 a lot better than $8300.

Here's some more pictures of the chickie-poos. They're starting to fly the coop now: We had to put a screen over top, because they're trying to escape. Chickens can only fly very poorly and only until they get bigger. When they're full size a chickens body is too large and cumbersome for their wings.

This coming weekend I am participating in a choral group at a Civil War Reenactment. We'll be in full Civil War Era attire and you can bet I'll be posting pictures.

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