Sunday, February 24

To sit in the shade on a fine day and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment. ~ Jane Austen

What a beautiful weekend! We got a pretty decent snow storm on Friday and since then we've had nothing but blue skies. I actually convinced Matt to go for a walk in the field this afternoon and managed to sit out on the front porch (in the sun) for a 1/2 hour reading: It's a balmy 45*.

Saturday we decided we'd brave the theater and see 'Juno'. It was pretty good. It was a bit hard to hear the jokes made about "desperate infertile" people. All in all, I thought it was pretty good. For whatever reason, Jennifer Garner left something to be desired. I usually love her in everything, but for some reason I had a hard time with her in this movie. I guess I had a hard time believing her to be one of us IF'ers, knowing that she has a beautiful little girl. The other thing that I felt was missing from the movie (which is probably because it's not what the movie was about) was the IF struggle. I know it was Juno's story: I suppose I'm just looking for a movie that depicts IF, that gives people a clue about what it is like and how it is to deal with it and the emotions involved with IF and adoption.

I managed to finish my quilting project (one more UFO [UnFinished Object] to go). I certainly love how it came out: It's called "Box of Chocolates". Believe me all of those buttons were a pain in the behind. Now I just have to figure out how I want to display it. I'm thinking of getting one of those twisted iron quilt hangers: Not sure yet.

Of course, once I get them done I still have to make my mom's nightgown and 2 seperate sets of placemats for April birthday gifts: If I don't get started on them now they will not be done in time for anyones' birthdays.

Matt's doing all right: He's going a bit stir-crazy being stuck in the house all the time and not being able to go anywhere. He goes on Friday for his post-op appointment. Hopefully next week he'll start PT. He is doing better though. He's able to stand up straight and he doesn't have the shooting pain down his leg. He still has some numbness and loss of feeling in his foot and heel, which he may or may not regain. We're hoping that the PT will help with his posture, walk, and rebuilding his muscle. Even after surgery and less pain he is still walking poorly: He does this kind of old-man shuffle. I'm hoping that is one of the things they'll work on in PT.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

I just wanted to let you know that I love the quilt. The buttons are a great touch.
