Friday, March 2

Deutsch Laugenbrötchen

(aka Pretzel Rolls)
Growing up visiting my grandparents in The City one of the highlights was the breads that we could get. On the weekends my grandfather would go to a certain bakery and wait in line to get us Pretzels. There is nothing quite as wonderful as a hot, fresh pretzel dripping with butter for breakfast. Eventually the bakery came out with Pretzel Rolls: What was this culinary fascination? There was no way it could be as good as a Pretzel. Boy, we were wrong!

Pretzel Rolls: So much more surface to slather with butter, so much more tastiness!

A few years after the arrival of the Pretzel Roll my grandparents moved from The City to our town. Of course this meant there were no more Pretzel Rolls. When we would go back to The City to visit other family we had every intentions of splurging on some deliciousness, but the bakery was no longer open. We were devastated!

Many, MANY years later after questing high and low for Pretzel Rolls we found that one of our purveyors carried imported Pretzel Rolls. They arrived frozen and after a 10 minute session in the oven they were every bit of yummy goodness I remembered: Whether dripping with butter or cold with liverwurst and onions.

Then we stopped doing business with our source. Once again I was at a loss.

Then along came Pinterest with all of it's terribly good and devious items.

Low and behold, the Holy Grail was there! Just waiting for me to find it, to Pin It!

Pretzel Rolls! {click for recipe}

One word: YUM! These taste just like the ones I got as a kid, and really they weren't too hard to make. I did make them smaller and got about 30 rolls the size of one's fist. If it were 15 they'd be great for burgers or sandwiches.


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