Friday, September 2

18 weeks

18 weeks

Size of Baby: They are the size of bell peppers

Maternity Clothes: Yea, definitely. Some of my stretch yoga pants are no longer comfortable to wear. I guess I can say I'm fully into maternity clothes.

Weight Gain: Down only 5lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight

Stretch Marks: Just one new one....above my belly button

Sleep: Lovely~Although lying on my back, for even a few moments, results in major hip/sciatic/back pain when I change position

Best Moment of the Week: People's reactions to being told we're having triplets...some of the faces people make...HAHAHA!

Movement: Yep.

Symptoms: For the most part I'm feeling pretty good, bit tired sometimes and some stretchy issues, but nothing major.

Food Cravings: Ice water...definitely more sweets this time, which I'm limiting. With Ave, I had no desire for sweets. Give me some cookies and a glass of milk and I'm a happy girl!

Gender: 2 boys and a girl: Still no guesses on names

What I Miss: Not feeling like I have to pee....CONSTANTLY! Especially at night....It's ridiculous, I feel like I could pee every 2 seconds....and it's only at night.

What I'm Looking Forward to: Getting a move on with preparing things for the babies

Weekly Wisdom: Walking too much doesn't do me any good.

Milestones: 6 weeks 'til viability 18 weeks until they're guaranteed to be here! Halfway there!

Emotions: A bit more balanced....which isn't saying much for me.

Measurements: Pre-pregnancy: waist 38", hips 46"
This week: 44" waist , 48"hips (LET THE GROWTH BEGIN!) I definitely have a bump, by the end of the day it's a D-bump, in the mornings, it's still more of a B-bump.

(Pardon whatever it is my hair is doing!)


sadie607 said...

Yay for halfway there!! You look great!

Nink said...

You hardly look like you're carrying triplets! You're glowing, even with wonky hair. :) I can't believe you're halfway there. How exciting! Bring on the 2nd half!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you're still not into maternity clothes - with triplets!

I am also 18 weeks today, but have been wearing maternity for 2 or 3 weeks now - if anything else closes, then it gets very uncomfortable once I sit down (and I mostly sit at work)

you look really good

totally hear you on peeing... the weirdest thing is that right after peeing I feel like I can go one more time. The feeling subsides after 15 minutes or so - until I really need to pee again, that is :)
